Title: Starry, Starry Night
Pairing: John/Rodney
Disclaimer: don't own em. They belong to other people. Dammit.
Summary: The cabin door swung shut and John stepped off the porch and onto the gravel driveway, coming to sit beside Rodney
Starry Starry Night )
There's this ephemeral undercurrent of melancholy so I was anxious and relieved when they both got on the same page by the end - because that outcome was never guaranteed. Then there's the whole natural domesticity of Jack's cabin - a bubble of calm in their often too dangerous lives - that is extremely appealing.
Just (mmmmmmm) lovely.
Yes. That. \o/
(What? I just woke up.)
What a lovely thing to say, and I'm so glad that it evened itself out for you. Of course they're going to be on the same page eventually.
Thanks for reading and for the very lovely words.
Upon rereading it, I'm still left with the magic of the moment. Because, what if Rodney's hadn't caught the expression. And what if he hadn't mentioned the breakup. Or any number of "what if" to the nth degree. So it was an enormous relief we didn't have to go there this time.
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