ladycat777 asked for h/c, and I provided... irredeemable fluff. Er. At least it broadly fits the definition? (Sorry.)
John hadn't shaved since last night, and the bottom of his chin - right where he'd managed to grate it on the sidewalk, right where Madison insisted he put one of her Disney Princess band aids because the gentle welling just wouldn't stop - was already approaching a seven, maybe eight o'clock shadow. It was going to be a bitch to get off again.
Maddie didn't seem to be bothered about the process, even. She was lurking in the doorway, swinging the glittery purple helmet that had ensured both Rodney's status as 'coolest uncle ever' and that his blood pressure remain vaguely healthy, inspecting the Cinderella band aid that covered her elbow; mostly by ensuring it could be pulled off easily, all the better for grossing out her friends. She wasn't watching, and John was pretty sure he could've bluffed his way out of the humiliation of having Belle attached to his chin - Jeannie, giggling, had insisted it was appropriate - if it weren't Rodney that'd been nominated resident care-giver.
Rodney had smiled more than a little bit evilly as he'd carefully cleaned John's chin with the antiseptic wipe. It was - John could take a bullet with stoicism and manly jawlines, was the thing. Stings, though? Cuts and grazes and barked shins he hated, and Rodney knew that. And, consequently, was taking too much goddamned pleasure in carefully smoothing out the Disney Princess to make sure she caught every last hair. John pouted.
"There," Rodney said briskly, "all better." And just as he had with Madison, he kissed the tip of his finger and traced it just against the edge of the band aid. Just below John's lips. John blinked up at him, unprepared for how the catch of Rodney's ragged fingernail against his skin twisted deep in his stomach. Rodney's eyes widened, a tide of red climbing up to his hairline.
"Huh." John smiled, in that way he had, in that way that made Rodney's mouth drop a little open. That was definitely interesting, and John was looking forward to exploring it further.
Right after he'd punished Rodney by teaching Madison to Ollie.