Rating: PG
Category: Established Relationship
Summary: The title pretty much says it all, really.
"That tickles," Rodney said, instinctively raising his shoulder.
"It does?" John asked, his voice low and filled with fake surprise.
Who in the world would think it was erotic to rub the tip of his nose along the side of someone's neck, other than John Sheppard? "Yes."
"Tell me if this tickles," John whispered, and his lips touched the ticklish spot, warm and soft. It didn't tickle. It didn't tickle at all.
John was pressing his lips together, rolling them inward, the way he did when he was trying not to laugh.
He'd better keep it in, because Rodney was in no mood for laughter. How come he was the one who always ended up with alien objects embedded in his ass? Going down the hill on his ass had been embarrassing enough, but sliding over tendrils from a huge and way-too-green bush and getting thorns in his ass, that had to top the list of rotten things that had happened to him in Pegasus.
That had happened to him ever. And lying in an infirmary bed with his ass in the air had to be the most undignified--
A touch so soft he almost didn't feel it. Then another, so fleeting he might've imagined it.
Lifting himself onto one elbow, Rodney turned to look behind him. John caught his gaze, smiled, and pressed his lips to irritated skin.
Rodney's mother had been right. Kisses really could make it better.
Inhaling deeply, Rodney lets himself soften into the bed. He hasn't been this relaxed in... He can't remember the last time he was this relaxed. If he'd known John could give massages like this, he'd have jumped him the moment they met, even with O'Neill standing there.
John's hands have been everywhere, from the nape of his neck to the bottoms of his feet, working the knots out of his muscles and working in warmth and quiet. And a little arousal, because they are John's hands.
Warm lips touch his right calf and Rodney smiles to himself.
"What you working on?" John asked, making a beeline from the door to the coffee pot, pausing just long enough to glance at Rodney's computer screen and drop a kiss on the top of Rodney's head.
"Nothing interesting, just the results of the mineral survey on PN7-84J."
Walking toward him, a mug in each had, John said, "I don't know, sounds pretty exciting to me."
"I'll send them to you and you can review them," Rodney said, accepting his cup and taking a long drink. John always fixed his coffee just the way Rodney liked it.
"You are not kissing me there."
"It's weird."
'It's not weird, lots of people do it."
Rodney narrowed his gaze, completely unconvinced.
"How can you know you won't like it, if you won't even try it?" John asked, lifting himself onto one elbow so he could look down at Rodney.
It was completely unfair of John to look at him like that -- all naked skin and pouting eyes. "No licking."
"That's the best part."
Rodney glared.
"Fine, fine, no licking, I promise."
"All right then, you can try it," Rodney said and lifted his arm so John could kiss beneath it.
The kiss wasn't so bad, but he didn't care what John said, it was still weird.