Title: Black (socks) and Blue (veins)
Author: Hyperfocused
Rating: PG at most
A/N: I didn't have time to finish the fic I wanted, so here's a little poem.
at first
thought is convinced
Rodney has cold feet.
And this must be why
he never does propose to Katie.
pondering too
calls John restless
"Kirk", 'Casanova" not mine
though of course, he wishes
that John would just want him.
is restless
Rodney finds out
after they've kissed goodnight
when bony toes kick him
John apologizes with a morning kiss.
John learns
when jolted awake
by blue-veined toes
truly does have cold feet.
along with a warm, comfortable heart.
knits Rodney
Warm black socks
to wear to bed
Rodney promises not to tell
Teyla's taught more than stick fighting.
holds John
and doesn't complain
about bruises or scratchy socks
as long as there are kisses.