birthday weekend

Jun 02, 2006 09:21

I have to write a quick email about this past weekend because it's too funny not to. My birthday was this past tuesday, so as a semi-treat (more of a favor to my mom) my mom let Paul and I have the shore house to ourselves this weekend to watch the dog while her and her man went to the mountains. Ok cool. Friday night Paul get's home from work, and already we're off to a rocky start. We went to our favorite mexican restaurant (La Tolteca) and for whatever reason the food did not sit well with him at all. We had plans go to see Xmen 3 that night, but our friend cancelled on us in the last minute. We decided to still go afterall, since leaving for the shore on memorial day weekend friday ANY time before 11 is futile we could kill some time. Well, Paul fell asleep, so I wasn't going to wake him up, and we missed the movie. Yay. So we left the apartment around 11 to head to the shore. We get there, and of course they just HAPPEN to be re-doing the roof over my mom's place this weekend, so we can't park in the drive way. Well, I don't know if any of you go to ventnor/margate/longport during holiday weekends, but if you do, you KNOW there's NO parking anywhere on the island. So I got to park 3 blocks away and walk our bags to the house. Then, when we get in, Koji, the beloved puppy (see a picture in one of my 3 previou sposts) decided he was so excited to see us, he'd leave us treats. Aww, so cute when they're disgusting. So I cleaned that up and we went right to sleep. Saturday Paul and I decided to cut our hair, so I started. Now there's a history here, to save Paul any embarrassment let's just see in the past I've had less than perfect haircuts from him. So I decided to do him a favor and do most of it myself. The 7 goes on the clippers and I go to town. The only thing I need Paul to do is trim around the ears and the back. Excellent, so I sit down, and Paul takes control, and puts on the "around the ear" attachment. I said, "are you sure that's wise, it didn't work out so well last time" he said "but that was with the other clippers" "ok" I said. So he cuts around the ear, and I see a big LONG chunk of hair fall on my stomach. "Uh, whoa, did that just take a lot off" and all I hear is "Shit". Well that's great. SO basically I had this almost bald line across my ear. So now we have to fix it, and screw up the other side the same way, and needless to say I was PISSED! At one point in time Paul was even laughing but I made it known that I was NOT happy about this. So then we're cleaning up the hair in the bathroom and I go to the laundry room to get the dust pan, Paul's there with me and as I'm reaching I knock off the fabric softener bottle off the dryer. And wouldn't you know it, for whatever reason (MOM!) the cap wasn't screwed on and it came off and spilled half the bottle all over me. Well hey, that's just friggin great. So to let you in on a little secret, despite my anger towards my other half, it took ALL of my strength to keep from laughing at this point, I mean WHAT ARE THE FUCKING ODDS that this would happen. Ok, no big deal. We wound up spending the rest of the day inside, then going over to my aunt's and uncle's for dinner to spend time with family.

Sunday rolls around, our friends Mark and Marty come to visit and we play cards. Hausie (spelling?) to be exact. I'm new to the game, but know euchre so it was an easy adjustment. Well needless to say Mark and I got our asses kicked. So off to the casinos we go. Of course the only table available was a 15$ handicapped table, so Mark sits down and Paul sits down, pulls ahead a little, mark's about even. I sit down with about 85 dollars. I have 16, dealer shows 10, I draw to a 5 card 20. Dealer winds up drawing to a 5 card 21. That sucks.

next hand, I have 10, dealer shows 8, I double down, get a 2, dealer pulls an 18, now I'm out double the money.

Next hand, I have 20, dealer shows 4, dealer draws a 5 card 21.

WHAT THE F. not even 10 minutes later I'm out of money. Well now that was a friggin BLAST!

So mark and marty leave, and we go to see xmen3. And what a waste, I was so disappointed it wasn't even funny. Later I come to realize that I MISSED THE MOST IMPORTANT PART in the clip that played at the very end. Almost every time we go to a movie paul and I stay to the very end, we were so disappointed that this time, we didn't. Great, good job.

So monday rolls around, we head out to the beach and I get completely FRIED, awesome. We then go to my aunts for dinner, and they surprised me with a cake and a card. It was very nice. Then we headed home.

So to sum up my weekend:
too much driving
a very bad haircut
dumped fabric softener all over myself
went broke at the casino
saw a horrible movie I was excited about
and got burnt at the beach

best birthday weekend ever............NOT!
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