LMAO!! What a great song to be playing right now...
If you enjoyed the fic, please drop a vote for it, or me, at the
McFlySlashAwards. And if you haven't read any of the ones up for nominations, feel free to do so
here. ( I know I never got to posting a few of them here actually ). :)
Title: The Secret Life of Popstars: Volume II
Author: Me, Bottom's making Bonnie a present, and Red's on MySpace again.
Pairing: Fletcher/Judd, Fluddie love
Rating: 15
Part: 20/20
Summary: And popstars, as you well know, never lie...
Disclaimer: Blah, blah, blah, not real, fine print, ect.
Dedications: This last part is dedicated to everyone who's been reading this fic since the first chapter of volume one. To Elz, Katie, Kayla, and Moni who are my four favorite people in the whole world. Karen and Caite for nearly hanging me, and Nhi. Each one has inspired me in one way or another, and they've all contributed -in their own way- to this fic.
A/N: Eh, sorry it took so long, I completely forgot I hadn't finished posting it. >.>;;; Thanks to
livwickedd for letting me know.
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19 Daddy, why is the sky blue?