Ok, so I finished this fic a month and a half ago, more or less. I'm sorry I keep forgetting to post here, but I promise we'll be done with this fic by January 14th.
Pretty please leave comments, once again I'm sorry. Bad Rose...
Title: The Secret Life of Popstars: Volume II
Author: Me, Bottom's making Bonnie a present, and Red's on MySpace again.
Pairing: Fletcher/Judd, Fluddie love
Rating: 15
Part: 15 - 17/20
Summary: And popstars, as you well know, never lie...
Disclaimer: Blah, blah, blah, not real, fine print, ect.
fletchfluff for giving me the "I am emo." bit.
A/N: I thought it was time for this very important milestone. :P
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14 15 - Did you just call me Tommy-bear? 16 - With purple spots if you want. 17 - Listen to me, all that matters is love.