Happy Thanksgiving for those who celebrate it, hope you guys stuffed your faces and are having trouble walking. :D Hope everyone has a safe Black Friday.
Comments are lovely. :)
Title: The Secret Life of Popstars: Volume II
Author: Me and Red as Bottom's trying to figure out when Bonnie's birthday is.
Pairing: Fletcher/Judd, Fluddie love
Rating: 15
Part: 11/20
Summary: And popstars, as you well know, never lie...
Disclaimer: Blah, blah, blah, not real, fine print, ect.
siren_44 who's off reading the whole first one. Poor girl... lol.
A/N: I thought about this one for a while, I asked Elz and Moni what they thought of it, and they had two entirely different views. They weren't wrong, they were just different. It keeps slipping my mind to post here, but the fic's done, there are 20 chapters, and I hope to get them all up soon. The last thing I posted might have been 8 so the links are there, lol.
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10 I believe congratulations are in order.