Title: Laundry Day
Show: Stargate Atlantis, Harry Potter
Characters: Rodney McKay, Severus Snape
Pairings: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard, Harry Potter/Severus Snape
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Genre: fluff, day in the life
Word Count: 700
Rodney had a habit of leaving some of the 'extra' laundry to be done on a 'Sunday.'
SGA_Saturday: Towel
For Trope Bingo: Seinfeldian conversation (that was hard to come up with!)
McSheplets #265: Habit
This is part of my "Finding a New Home" universe that is an SGA and HP crossover. If you're new, you only really need to know that Rodney is also a Wizard and John is... maybe something but mostly Muggle.
Laundry Day on AO3