Challenge Drabble: Not the last. John/Rodney. PG.

Mar 24, 2008 23:38

John/Rodney. PG. Things had changed since that "So long, Rodney"

Not the last

It said more about his life than he cared to think about at the moment that he remembered how this kind of situation had gone down before.

Things had changed since that "So long, Rodney" or even long before that, when Rodney had walked into an energy being without a single word.

But for all the changes, it had never been like this.


What seemed like less in this progression was so much more.

Confession. Stubborn hope. And a caress so real he could almost feel it on his skin.

If they made it out alive, he'd return it.

rating: pg, genre: angst, challenge: 15 - touch, author: velocitygrass, pairing: john/rodney

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