Challenge 15: Touch (PG)

Mar 13, 2008 10:05

Title: Things unsaid
Pairing: John/Rodney
Rating: PG
Word Count: 121 words
Challenge: Touch
Notes: I generally fail at drabbles. I have a tendency to... go on a bit! But I'm pretty pleased with this. :)

Rodney could still feel the pressure of Sheppard’s fingers against his wrist.

Wait here, it said. Let me protect you. Please don’t get hurt.

Rodney knelt, the lingering heat on his wrist a promise, and opened the DHD panel, started rearranging crystals. Around him the P90s chattered loudly and he concentrated on the phantom touch.

I will get you out of here, he thought.




They stood in silence on the balcony, the air warm between them.

“Good job today,” Sheppard said.

“Yeah. You too.”

And then again the firm press of fingers against his wrist.

“See you around.”


And the promise was written warm on his skin. I can’t lose you. I’m glad you’re ok.

rating: pg, author: ultimatemarysue, pairing: john/rodney

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