NC17 Slash - Winning Hand - John/Rodney, SGA

Feb 07, 2015 20:09

Title: Winning Hand
Author: Tarlan (tarlanx)
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing/Characters: John/Rodney
Rating/Category: NC17/Slash
Word Count: ~830
Spoilers: None
Summary: After almost dying, John had made a promise never to bet for monetary gain. Instead he'd found far better stakes while playing with Rodney. Vegas AU.
Notes/Warnings: Written for:

mcsheplets 195: Bet
romancingmcshep Day 7

trope_bingo: poker/strip poker

On AO3:


rating: nc-17, genre: established relationship, genre: pwp, challenge: 195 - bet, author: tarlanx, pairing: john/rodney

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