Still in love...with John/Rodney: Posting Guidelines

Feb 29, 2012 00:21

It's almost time for the "Still in love...with John/Rodney" fest :)

For the most part, you can post your contribution like any other McSheplet. I've summarized the guidelines here:

Posting Guidelines

  • Use titles. E.g. "Fic: Diversity Day by velocitygrass" or "Art: Wings by velocitygrass"
  • Use an lj-cut. Headers should be outside the cut. Art previews outside the cut are fine but not mandatory. (Please keep art previews safe for work.)
  • Instead of posting here, you can link to your website/LJ/DW/AO3/deviantART..., but please make sure it's publicly available
  • Tag appropriately. In particular, add the "still in love" tag. If your fic also fits a previous McSheplets challenge, you can tag it as that as well.
  • Use headers. I have an example below, though it doesn't have to look exactly like that as long as it includes the basic info: title, artist/author, rating, and warnings/content notes for major character death, non-con/rape, violence and anything else you think may deserve a content note. Please do post the pairings explicitly if it's not just John/Rodney.
  • Label RPS and Hewligan. For Hewligan, please mention the source of the roles and who plays it (for those that haven't seen it).
  • You can post at any time on your date (doesn't matter which timezone).

Header Template (remove the lines you don't want and adapt the others for your needs; also note that this is fic centric, so if you want to add lines more appropriate for art like medium, you can of course do so):

Pairing: John Sheppard/Rodney McKay
Warnings/Content notes: (skip) None that I'm aware of
Word count:
Note: Also available">at AO3.

I have created a collection at AO3 that you can post in.

If you have any questions, post them here or in any of the mod posts or PM me.

If you need to drop out or push your posting day to a later date, please comment here or on any of the mod posts or PM me. A quick note "I need to drop out." or "I would like to switch my date from xxx to yyy." is enough. I know that fests can be stressful, so please don't feel bad about having to drop out or to switch your date. Letting me know will help me make sure that we have something posted every day in March. Thank you.

mod, still in love mod

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