Challenge #36 Drabble: Outside, Looking In ( G)

Jan 08, 2009 16:46

Title: Outside, Looking In
Author: Sandy (sp23)
Rated: G
Category: Angst
Spoilers: Season 5 around Brain Storm
Challenge #36: Lost

There are winners and there are losers. John knows this. He's lost enough in his life, you'd think he'd get used to it, but he never does.

And now he's lost again. Or not. If you never actually had something, can it be said you lost it?

He sits there, listening to Teyla coo to Torren, to Ronon's fork scrape across his plate, to the hum of dozens of nearby conversations, and surreptitiously watches Rodney smiling that damned smile that makes something in John's gut tighten. Of course, Keller smiles back, utterly charmed.

John watches, and mourns what never was.

genre: pining/unrequited, pairing: other, pairing: john/rodney, genre: angst, genre: drabble, rating: g, author: sp23, challenge: 36 - lost

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