ladyamarra, also known as ami
Team: War!
Let's talk about:
1. How long have you been writing fan fiction and/or making fan art and/or whatever else (vids, knitted goods, pornographic gingerbread cookies)?
Uh... I think my first Fanfic ever posted was in 2000. A german SG-1 fic that has vanished in the net a couple of years ago. I started my english stuff in 2003 with a series of POTC vampire AU fics. There were several fics about Inuyasha, Lord of the Rings, Troy, and Stargate Atlantis in the last years, and two times SgaBigBang.
I do art pretty much as long as I can remember, studied it in the time between 2003 and 2008, and have tons of it all over the net. Much of it pops up now and again, and I don't even know it's mine. It wasn't always good, especially the digital stuff, but lately I'm kind of proud on what I'm doing and even earn some money with it now and again. You can see some of it at my Deviantart Account
HERE 2. Have you participated or are you participating in any other fandoms?
Yeah, as mentioned before, there was Inuyasha, POTC, Lord of the Rings - and a hand full of other movies related to Orlando Bloom - and lately, Supernatural.
3. What fanwork are you most proud of? Or, what is your favourite of your fanworks? (links, please!)
I love Wraith Queens, and there's one in my collection that I'm really happy with =>
HERE And my absolute favourite
Dean (Done for a recent BigBang)
Oh, and my two SGA Bigbangs (Can be found on the bigbang side)- I'm not sure If I can do a third one this year.
4. As far as creative processes go, what type of writer/artist are you? Do you create an outline/find photo references/make maps, etc., or do you jump in and go with the flow?
That depends. When I write, I start out with an idea and follow the characters where they go. The downside of that is that dead ends are usually parts of the whole thing, followed by a lot of deleting and headaches that even gay porn can't cure.
The art process is a lot better. I have a idea, make a draft, figure out if I need references, where I get the stock pictures for it, and bring the show on the road. But I think that's the fault of one of my art professor and the torture lessons on organisation he put us through in preperation for our yearly art shows.
5. Where can interested readers/viewers find more of your work? (homepage, LJ fic index, etc.)
My LJ is a good source for most of my stuff. The Art can be found under the tag Art and My Supernatural stuff even over a lovely Demon!DEan picture in my profile. The rest can be found on Deviantart - the link can be found under 1).
The Fanfictions are in the usual Places, houses all my old ones, Wraithbait my SGA Fics, and my Lj anything else.
6. Do you write original fiction (poetry, screenplays)? Do you create original art (comics, photographs, quilts, wedding cakes)? Care to share?
Yes, I do art. A lot. I even sell some of it now and again which is a miracle every time it happens! I had a few art shows until now - there were even people who wanted to see it! HA! But for obvious reasons the canvas stuff doesn't end up on the net where it could be reproduced (Don't start me about art theft, theft is the work of the devil.)
7. How are you so awesome?
Heh. I'm born that way. Although my brother thinks I was dropped on my head one to many times as I was still small.
Let's talk about: SGA!
8. What do you enjoy most about SGA and/or SGA fandom?
The awesome things people make! A fandom that makes math sexy and has as many different versions of "Aliens made them do it" can only be awesome!
9. Why do you ship McKay/Sheppard? What draws you to the pairing, what do you like and dislike? Favourite scenes or episodes? Quotes? Screencaps? What other SGA pairings do you ship?
The first Slash I ever read was Jack/Daniel. It took some time getting used to that. Then Sheppard and Rodney came along and I was instantly in love with their friendship. There was a chemistry right from the first episode that just needed to be turned into more. And let's be honest guys, in the early seasons it didn't take much to imagine them getting down and dirty as soon as they were alone.
My favourite episode is the "Tao of McKay". Period. There are good episodes after that, but Ignore most of them in favour of my sanity - and the dislike of a female character.
The next best pairing is Parrish/Lorne.
10. Why did you choose to join Team War?
Well, I just had no ideas for Peace.
11. C'mon, you know you wanna! Just a bit of squee about your Match fic? [good example: 'very proud of my second scene' / bad example: 'When Rodney kisses John after they find out the butler did it'.]
I'm really, really proud of the way Rodney's bedroom eyes turned out. *g*
12. What are your 'tells'? How can a fic of yours be spotted in the wild? (again, go ahead and make origami out of the truth!)
Usually, it's either naked vampire Pirates, naughty (naked) dog demons, needy (naked) hunters that do a lot of illegal things with each other - although that one's not finished yet - or german sentence structure with english words.