OMG. LJ ate this twice! *gnashes teeth*
Everything about ME ME ME! Why, yes I DO identify strongly with Rodney McKay, why do you ask?
1. About you:
Pirates or ninjas? ASTRONAUTS! Oh. Err... Pirates!
What's your favourite pizza topping? Uhm - Greek! Okay, it's a type, not a topping. Deal.
What if anything do you listen to while driving? Short drives; nothing. Medium or Longer; assorted filk or podfic.
How do you take your coffee? In large quantities at regular intervals. No sugar, double cream, stat.
What's the best/weirdest fancy dress or Halloween costume you ever wore? My Steampunk corset, skirt and top hat. I made them all, and the corset was in SGA science grey and blue.
pets: Previously - mice, gerbils, a gecko; currently, cats, a hamster and a rainbow boa.
hobbies: fandom and music.
fandoms: SGA. With a slight smattering of other things for occasional flavour.
music: Filk. Folk. Classic rock. Music with good harmony lines. Songs I can figure out on my guitar.
Books: Many. Currently reading the Newsflesh Trillogy (Mira Grant). Yay, Zombies! Just finished Discount Armageddon (Seanan McGuire).
Food: Yes. Uhm. Pizza. Greek food. Chinese. Indian. Mmmmm. Don't ask me to make a choice.
Movies: Action/Adventure & SciFi. I'm a Guy Movie kinda girl. Blow shit up and you've got my attention.
Have you done/do you do fandom meet-ups? I've been to Creation cons, but I prefer fan-run cons. My home SF con is VCon. There's also ConFlikt in Seattle, which is a filk con. A bunch of musical geeks, singing songs about various fannish interests - a veritable polyphony of fandom.
Would you like to live somewhere else and why? Not on your life. I live in the best place on the planet. Pacific coast, world class city, fabulous climate - the mountains to the north, the sea to the west - it really doesn't get any better than this. Of course, if a place like Atlantis were FOR REALZ, well then. All bets would be off. I would so be there. As long as they had a snarktastic CSO and a laconic, devil-may-care military commander. Yeah. *goes to day dream place*
2. About your creative processes:
How did you get into writing fanfic? How long have you been writing fan fiction? I don't remember a time when I didn't. Seriously, even as a very young child, I remember making up fantastical stories with the characters from the cartoons as shows I loved and wanting to be in them (aaah, an early Mary Sue) and eventually, I started writing them down on paper.
Do you write original fiction (poetry, screenplays)? I've never really felt compelled to create a universe of my own. I think I'm a little intimidated by the scope of it and the fact that there are 70 billion original universes out there already, so who am I to think anyone is going to want to read my stories? But more than anything, I think my love for writing fic comes from the fact that I fall in love with characters and I am NOT READY TO LET GO DAMMIT!
Do you create original art (comics, photographs, quilts, wedding cakes)? if one considers scrapbooking (and who knew that would ever be a verb, hmm?) an artistic endeavour, then yes. I have created many scrapbook photo albums and I thoroughly enjoy doing it. I just don't get the chance much these days. And hey, is costuming considered art? Cuz I sew. I like making costumes.
How do you write? I research everything. I call lawyer friends about legal process and procedure, and call therapist friends about how things work on a hospital psych unit. I like to write at home, but I've gotten a fair chunk of writing done in hotel rooms on business trips.I am the QUEEN of Procrastination. Just ask
outsideth3box. I don't know why she puts up with me. That woman has given up sleep and stayed up to do last minute beta work for me when I'm writing at the 13th hour. Yeah, waaaay past the 11th hour. Anyway, I think that, as stressful as it is, I actually do write fairly well under pressure. It really does make me become more ruthless about what needs to go.
3. About SGA:
Is SGA your main squeeze, or are you poly-fandom-ous? I traced back the linage of my (sometimes fickle)
love affair with imaginary characters on LJ about two years ago. I've had a number of love affairs with TV boyfriends, but at the moment, I remain happily embroiled in this mad, passionate ménage à trois with McKay and Sheppard. While I might window shop a little, it's still only them for me.
Why did you decide to participate in this year's McShep Match? How could I not? All the cool kids are doing it! I had such a great time being part of it last time that I really wanted to do it again.
Best thing about McKay/Sheppard: go! The dynamic. The spark and snark.
Who's your favourite, John or Rodney (or both)? How come? I love Rodney McKay with a passion that should probably have its very own DSM classification. I think that I relate to Rodney because he's very real in his weaknesses. He complains, he's afraid, he's hungry, he's nervous - all the things that I do, that I feel. Then he rises up and overcomes and struggles to do the right thing even though he screws up and makes an ass of himself. It's been said before but it bears saying again - he's the every-man. If Rodney, who is the weak link on the team, who is imperfect and selfish and whiny can overcome and succeed and be a hero, there is hope for all of us. Even if we don't have his big brain.
But also? He brings the sexy back to GEEK. Rrrrrowr.
Where can people find more of your work (McShep or otherwise)? You can find my stuff on
What got you into fanfic/SGA/McShep? I blame
sp23 for my descent into McShep madness. "You have to check these guys out!" she said. "Come on, you have to read one of these stories," she said. Yeah. You want some crack, little girl?
Story: Impossible to pick one of all of them. How about my most recent favourite story?
Damned if you Do, Damned if you Don't by pir8fancier
Art: Calling Down the Lightning from the the equally fabulous story of the same name.
Girlfriend by
nel-ani. I laugh so hard EVERY TIME I WATCH IT!!
Creative fanthing:
RODNEY MCKAY PLUSHIE!!! 4. Hiiiints! C'mon, you know you wanna! Just a bit of squee about your Match entry.
John might be driving Rodney a leeeetle bit crazy. Or possibly, the other way around. And then this thing happens, and you know how Rodney gets... so, yeah. Business as usual.
5. Oops, did we leave out something? What question do you wish we'd asked?
Naw, got some questions from the Flist, below...
6. Team Captains' Question: Okay, redshirt, you've signed on for a very dangerous mission to go back in time and it could be a one-way trip. I should add that while every effort will be made to keep you within the dawn of civilization - we really don't know where that dial will stop. But you are allowed one personal item… name it.
Oh great. Uhm. Does Rodney McKay count as a personal item? Because, dude. That's all I need.
neevebrody asked:
Which came first for you, fanfic or the show? Did you watch the show from the beginning? The show. I never could keep track of when it was on, and I was always missing it. I loved SG1, so I knew that I would love SGA if I could just figure out when it was on! I caught the random episode for the first two years, and then went out and bought the first two seasons. I immediately devoured all the fic I could find and started watching religiously in season 3.
Did Rodney capture your heart from the beginning? What was it about him that did (does) it for you? No, actually! It was
sp23 who told me I *had* to watch Rodney, and I had to read some McShep fic. I was pretty skeptical at first; I'd never been a slash girl before, and I didn't go looking for it. But she was right.
Now? I don't even know if I can explain. I just adore him. The snark, the insecurity, the bumble, the arrogance, the heroism that lurks under the frightened exterior - the whole package.
Can you ship/read Rodney with anyone else? Why or why not? I'm a die-hard, true-blue, died in the wool McShep fan, but I have read Rodney with a variety of partners. I have to say that my personal preferences outside of McShep would have to be Carter or Cadman. What it comes down to is the dynamic; it's all about the snark and spark.
sgamadison asked:
What is it that draws you to filk, and do you see a place for it in online fandoms? I love music. I love science fiction and silly stuff. Putting the two things together? WIN! I absolutely see a place for filk online. There are many filkers who have their work out there for people to access; you can find lyrics, notated sheet music and mp3 files. There are also active filk communities out there - LJ, Facebook, IRC, newsgroups - and cons that are actually dedicated just to filk.
What is your absolute favourite SGA ep of all time and why? oi! I'm torn between Shrine and Tao. Shrine has kick ass acting (DH rocks my world in this), Jeannie is there, team bonding, POWER TOOLS, and general bad-assery of the SGA crew overcoming all odds. Then there is Tao and all the lovely McSheppy moments and Rodney reaching out to those he loves to try and make sure that he's making peace with everyone before the end - as a friend loves another friend, my ass! Anyway, Tao has to win because as wonderful as Shrine is, that last 15 seconds ruins things. Loved you for quite some time? Yeah, no, Rodney, that parasite was clearly messing with your brain. That's JOHN you're thinking of. He's the one you went running to in the middle of the night, remember? DUH.
It is possible I may feel strongly about this. Maybe.