How long have you been creating fan art or writing fan fiction?
I've been involved in fandom for about nine years. My first fanfic was a horrendous Lord of the Rings crack!fic in which Legolas had a cooking show. I like to think I've improved since then.
What drew you into fandom in the first place?
I'm a gigantic Lord of the Rings fan girl. I first discovered fandom by Googling my favorite characters from that, and I've been hooked ever since.
I think what really drew me to it was the need to get more mileage out of my favorite characters. I have a tendency to get really attached to characters, and when I finish all the available canon, whether it be a book or TV show or whatever else, it's not enough, and the thought of "That's all there is; there isn't anymore," depresses the pants off of me. With fandom, the story never has to end.
Best thing about SGA fandom: go!
Definitely the people. SGA is the most intelligent, talented and creative group of people I've ever experience.
Are you a fandom monogamist or do you participate in other fandoms? Which ones?
Um... serial monogamist with occasional clandestine lover's trysts. I tend to have only one major fandom at a time, but I rarely leave old fandoms completely behind. Lord of the Rings is my first love, of course. I sometimes read House and Harry Potter, and I have some Disney fan art. I used to be really involved in Heroes, but that one I have left completely due to the show becoming craptastically bonkers. I even wrote a Twilight flashfic once (don't judge me. It was mid-terms week, I was in the middle of reading the series, and it was my third semester in a row with a writing workshop. My inspiration well was tapped.)
Very recently (as in, within the last week) I've discovered Tin Man. The fic is a little hard to come by, but Glitch/Cain melts my brain with its awesomeness (I mean, seriously, we could look past the implications of cuddling with the "I may have saved you from hypothermia" line, but "Good morning, Sweetheart"?! There's no way that was unintentional.)
Best thing about McKay/Sheppard: go!
Oh, but there are so many great things! I love the humor, the snark, the bickering. I love the chemistry between John and Rodney, and the blatant stints of jealousy, and the "Oh my god writers/producers/etc., did you seriously miss these homo-erotic overtones?"
I said it in last year's interview, but what i really love about Mcshep and SGA in general is that it's hopeful. They show up on Atlantis as a bunch of lonely, messed up people and over the course of the series, they develop incredibly strong bonds with the other members of the expedition, many of them for the first time in their lives. Even more than that, they're people that would likely have never even spent the time to get to know each other in any other circumstance. They start as outcasts, and end with a place where they belong and people worth dying for (even though they had to leave the galaxy to find that.) I think it says something interesting. I don't think the writers meant to say it, but I think it says something interesting.
And on a personal level, they're some of the very small number of characters I've ever felt I could relate to (not in the "I battle robots and space vampires" kind of way, but in the "I totally understand their personality and decisions and can identify with a lot of their internal struggles" way.)
Why did you decide to participate in McShep Match?
I did it last year and it was awesome. I assumed it would be awesome again this year, and who wants to miss out on that?
Best thing about your contribution to this year's Match: go!
The fact that I might actually get it in early instead of working my fingers to the bone in the 11th hour. No blind panic this year, yay!
Where can interested readers/viewers find more of your work?
Well, really the only stuff online anymore is from the past year or two. You can find all that as my LJ,
my_scheherazade , and
my DeviantArt page. I have a small smattering of work in other places, but none really worth mentioning.
A word to our sponsors?
Be excellent to each other, and party on dudes!
Extra Questions:
What is your favorite McShep piece you've created and why? (from
danceswithgary )
That would have to be my entry for last year's Mcshep Match,
Wake. It was a story I had wanted to tell for a long time, and the writing of it came at a time when I needed to clear my head and let things go in much the same way John did in the fic, so the story is really personal for me. And ultimately, it's not a story about being sad and lonely (which it easily could have been, given the subject matter,) it's a story about getting better.
And, since I do a lot of fan art as well, my favorite mcshep art piece right now is my
SGA Tarot series. I have a lot more of it finished than I have posted. I recently moved and some things got misplaced and I had no scanner access, but hopefully there will be more of that soon.
If anyone has any additional questions, just leave them in the comments. I'd love to hear from you!