Team Interviews: MamaDeb

Aug 16, 2009 14:26

Name: mamadeb, also known as Deb.
Team: Peace!

1. How long have you been writing fan fiction and/or making fan art and/or whatever else (vids, knitted goods, pornographic gingerbread cookies)? I
I've been writing and posting fanfiction since 1996.

2. Have you participated or are you participating in any other fandoms?
I have participated in many fandoms in the past and I anticipate moving on to other fandoms in the future. I'm a serial monogamist when it comes to fandoms.

3. What fanwork are you most proud of? Or, what is your favourite of your fanworks? (links, please!)
I'm most proud of my Sentinel Sweetcheeks series. It was the most fun to write and I think I managed a good and serious storyline inside the fun.

4. As far as creative processes go, what type of writer/artist are you? Do you create an outline/find photo references/make maps, etc., or do you jump in and go with the flow?
I tend to with the flow, although I might plan out the next scene before I get there.

5. Where can interested readers/viewers find more of your work? (homepage, LJ fic index, etc.)
For older works, go to my neglected website, NightRoads Assoc. For all but the latest, go to my LJ fic journal, mamadebfic. For the latest stuff (which is currently mostly American Idol RPS, so be warned), go to my dreamwidth fiction comm.

6. Do you write original fiction (poetry, screenplays)? Do you create original art (comics, photographs, quilts, wedding cakes)? Care to share?
I've been attempting some original fiction, but I don't have much. There is this: In the Kitchen, which has spawned a universe I think I like.

7. How are you so awesome?
I'm not, really. But I have awesome friends.

Let's talk about: SGA!

8. What do you enjoy most about SGA and/or SGA fandom?
The inspired silliness of the whole thing.

9. Why do you ship McKay/Sheppard? What draws you to the pairing, what do you like and dislike? Favourite scenes or episodes? Quotes? Screencaps? What other SGA pairings do you ship?
I love the pairing because I love the way they intereact on screen. It's such a deep but unlikely friendship - the laidback military guy verse the uptight scientist. Col. Laconic vs. Dr. Voluable. I love the way they play off each other, and I really love the way that their relationship colors everything that happens on the series. I honestly don't see anything to dislike about it. There are too many episodes to name as to favorites, but scenes - John convincing someone to kill themselves for Rodney's sake; Rodney shouting for John while his mind was regressing; every time one will do something just to save the other - all of it is amazing. As for other ships - I like the idea of Ronon/Jennifer a lot.

10. Why did you choose to join Team Peace? The concept just appealed to me more. It seemed smaller, easier to manage. Also, I've been friends with Kass for a long time. :)

11. C'mon, you know you wanna! Just a bit of squee about your Match fic? [good example: 'very proud of my second scene' / bad example: 'When Rodney kisses John after they find out the butler did it'.]

I love that I figured out what was going on as I writing it - moments before John and Rodney did.

12. What are your 'tells'? How can a fic of yours be spotted in the wild? (again, go ahead and make origami out of the truth!)
I never use speech tags. No one says, yells, cries, answers or replies in my stories.


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