1. What was your first fandom?
I lurked multi-fannishly for a few years (Jossverse, Harry Potter, The Fast & the Furious), and then my first participatory fandom was Oz (HBO).
2. How did you get into writing fanfic/creating fanart?
I'd mainlined Oz over a couple of weeks - some kind soul had uploaded the entire series to YouTube in ten-minute clips - and then was attacked by bunnies. I'd produced some poetry/original short stories in the past, but wow, these characters made me want to write them.
After I'd hit the 10k mark on my second fic, I asked for a beta from the two people on my flist; it turned out that one was a pro writer, and the other a pro artist. Hello, luck! Both my artist and my editor turned into mentors and close friends, and have been a huge (wonderful!) part of my fannish experience.
As for art, I'd always loved collaging, and the idea of doing that digitally was quite appealing: no bits and scraps of paper to clean up afterwards; no curling card paper; no crappy glue. Lo, I discovered Photoshop and have spent many happy hours there.
And by discovered, I mean that
dressedindeath provided it. *g*
3. Is SGA your main squeeze, or are you poly-fandom-ous?
SGA and Oz are my main squeezes, and I maintain flirtatious relationships with two or three other fandoms. Polyfandomosity is hard for me, as I've found that if I spread my attentions too thin, I'll end up not doing anything, and I like being a participant.
I read a lot of books and watch a lot of shows that I'm not fannish about, and I'll read anything that catches my attention, but I don't feel driven to create for everything.
4. What makes John and Rodney such an inspiring couple for you?
That they're so real together - they're best friends, they support each other, they argue, they disagree, they motivate each other, they laugh together, they travel the adventure that is life together. Plus, hey, dual gun!pR0n.
5. Who's your favorite, John or Rodney (or both)? How come?
Of course I like them both, as I couldn't write them as McShep if I didn't. John's my favorite, though. He's reliable (and not always in a good way), steady, and smart. He wears his feelings on his face, even when he thinks he's hiding them. He gives chances, he's open-minded, and he goes with his gut/heart a lot of the time, which appeals to me so much. He believes that some of his best qualities are weaknesses, and he consistently devalues his own self-worth, which is messed up, and I love that layer of him.
6. Where can people find more of your work (McShep or otherwise)?
I have a
master fic/art list on my LJ, and most everything ficcish is on
7. Pick a piece/story of yours that stands out for you. Give us links and tell us why!
A Well-Deserved Reward. You know how sometimes a story just flows? Right. This is some character study tossed with porn, and the story that gave me a boost on striking the right notes for early characterization. [John/Rodney, NC-17.]
Carpet Diem. Hmm... John, Ronon, and flying carpets. I had a blast writing this story, working on something light-hearted and fun. Success! [John/Ronon, NC-17.]
8. Finish this sentence: John and Rodney walk into a bar...
...on M7K-113, plop down on the spinny barstools that John loves sitting on, and hail the bartender. John orders a mug of brown, Rodney orders a glass of clear, and they argue over whether to get the tuber rings or the reed fries or just stick with the almond-shaped mystery meat nuggets that sit in wooden bowls along the bar. There's a game of poke-the-prel'g taking place in the far corner, and they make bets with each other over who's going to win. Rodney picks the tallest man, but John chooses a scrappy-looking teenager, and he's right. In retaliation, Rodney eats the last of the tuber rings, and then sucks the cooking oil off his fingers, one by one by one. John slaps payment down on the bar and hustles Rodney out.
9. What question do you wish we'd asked?
What's your favorite writing resource for the SGA fandom? Meta, canon reference, gunfax, picspams, recs, anything!
Extra questions!
melagan asked, "When did that - OMG John and Rodney are together - slash moment happen for you?"
38 Minutes. My notes read, "TOTALLY STRICKEN LOOK from Rodney to John of the 'omg I will do anything to save you' variety." That look rocketed past devoted friendship, imo, and they hadn't even known each other long enough to be BFFs, but they'd definitely known each other long enough to hop into the sack... and, you know, never want to leave. ;)
Close runner-up is The Defiant One, because, yeah. If we're going with love and not just sex.
ozsaur asked, "If Rodney cooked something for John, what would it be?"
Rodney cooks?
Okay, um. John looks unimpressed with the available options that Rodney's listing off - scrambled eggs, cup-o-noodles, pudding pops - so Rodney shoves a sheaf of take-out menus into John's hands and says, "Pick whatever you want, I'll pay for it, and that way it's like I made it."