Yes, this is it for another year, folks - just these results to announce and it's all over until 2010, when we hope we'll see you all back again!
Just a quick note on scoring before we announce the results - the average for each category over all fics is totalled to make the results, so since each is scored from 1-9 the final score is the number of points out of 27.
As always, the result was close, and like our first McShep Match in 2007 we could easily call it a draw. We prefer to have a winning team if we can possibly manage it though, so despite the narrow margin we will be awarding our first and second place prizes as usual!
The final scores were:
Team War: 23.15
Team Peace: 23.11
Congratulations to Team War for their victory, but also to Team Peace, for making it such a close result!
All that remains is for the Team Members to collect their 1st and 2nd place banners and icons made for McShep Match by the fabulous
First place:
Second place:
Thank you
anna_luna, and thank you once more to our Teams and Team Captains for making McShep Match so much fun. Also, we have to say a huge thank you to everyone who read, commented and voted - we wouldn't be here without you either!
Finally, all participants can now post their stories wherever they like - those of you with art and long stories that were uploaded to the website for the duration of the fest please let us know the new address for your entries (whether LJ, archive or your website) and we'll replace the links as soon as we can.
Watch this space tomorrow for the results of the Guess the Author/Artist contest!