McShep Match 2008: And the winners are ...

Jul 17, 2008 19:38

Yes, this is it for another year, folks - just these results to announce and it's all over until 2009, when we hope we'll see you all back again ( Read more... )

!mod post, winners

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Comments 47

thegrrrl2002 July 17 2008, 18:00:28 UTC


Thank you, both of you, for running such a fabulous match again! I know it's an awful lot of work but everything runs so smoothly, you make it look so easy!

::gathers you both up for a big hug::



blueraccoon July 17 2008, 18:05:53 UTC
Congrats to you and your team :)


thegrrrl2002 July 17 2008, 18:09:33 UTC
Aw, thank you! It was so much fun. All the fics were so good, I'm surprised it wasn't a tie. Yay SGA!


trobadora July 17 2008, 19:21:53 UTC
Congrats! :-)

And thank you too, for everything. We're glad you had fun!


cathalin July 17 2008, 18:04:51 UTC
Wow, thanks to the mods/organizers and artists and all -- this is an amazing challenge. I wasn't in the fandom really last year, so it was great to be here while it was "live." I didn't get to read as many as I wanted due to time (writing Big Bang), but will take care of that soon. It's so awesome this challenge generates so many new mcshep stories! Kudos to all of you, and the participants.


trobadora July 17 2008, 19:22:31 UTC
We'll be back next year, never worry. Have fun with the rest of the stories!


telesilla July 17 2008, 18:22:53 UTC
I think next year I should open myself up to taking bribes from people NOT to be on their team.

Seriously, though, congrats to Team Home and yay mods and captains!


miscellanny July 17 2008, 18:25:58 UTC
Dude, your fic was incredible. DON'T MAKE ME COME OVER THERE. XD


telesilla July 17 2008, 18:37:22 UTC
*blushes* I totally wasn't fishing for compliments; I've actually loved both my Match fics and have every intention of writing more Steam!Gate.


tropes July 17 2008, 18:58:22 UTC



Thanks! iadorespike July 17 2008, 18:36:10 UTC
I'd like to thank everyone connected to mcshep_match starting with the Mods and artist(s). You guys were absolutely incredible. Team Captains and all of the writers - congratulations and thanks to each and every one of you for making this such a wonderful reading experience. Fifty (!!!) wonderful stories for fandom to enjoy. *beams*



Re: Thanks! trobadora July 17 2008, 19:23:48 UTC
Thank you for reading and commenting! We're glad you had fun with the fest. :D


psio03kx July 17 2008, 19:15:03 UTC
Woo, way to go Team Home!

I personally enjoyed every fic in the fest, and am incredibly jealous of how amazing everyone here can write! You were all brilliant!


trobadora July 17 2008, 19:24:12 UTC
Good to hear you had fun with the fest! :-)


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