TEAM AWAY: Run the gauntlet, "Bacchanalian Circuit"

Jul 10, 2008 19:49

Title: Bacchanalian Circuit
Author: icarusancalion
Team: Away
Prompt: Run the gauntlet
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Humorous dubcon. Yes, yes, I know.
Summary: "Let me get this straight. I have to run a gauntlet of your kinky sexual fantasies to get out of here?"
Author notes: Thank you to Tingler, Dossier, and Celtic Tigress for their ( Read more... )

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Comments 58

amothea July 10 2008, 21:57:26 UTC
I had a blast reading your story. :)


icarusancalion July 18 2008, 04:22:11 UTC
Than you!


ratcreature July 10 2008, 23:45:08 UTC

I liked that their fantasies were really not very compatible.


icarusancalion July 18 2008, 04:24:18 UTC
Hee. And they also have each other in reversed roles: John's in charge in his fantasies, and Rodney's the master in his. At least they both have a yen for historical roleplay.


auburnnothenna July 11 2008, 01:02:08 UTC
You took the hot porn scenario and stood it on its head. All the horrible slave fic fantasies, the gay porn ones (yes, I have delved into Nifty as well as buying print examples) are here, and the thing that knocks me right out of so many PWPs and even otherwise good stories: John Sheppard, often taken captive, sometimes tortured, regularly frightened for his own life as well as his team mates', is not going to get off on that kind of fantasy. Finding yourself starring in someone's else's private kinks is not going to be a turn on, even if you share the same kink, because the key element of fantasy is the fantasizer is in control. Really, really good job with the fresh angle on an overworked trope.


icarusancalion July 18 2008, 04:53:27 UTC
...because the key element of fantasy is the fantasizer is in control.

Good point. I hadn't considered that, but it's true. No matter what Rodney's fantasies where, John would have still found himself out of the driver's seat. For Rodney, he believed John was straight. So his fantasies mostly involved situations where John wouldn't say no.


auburnnothenna July 18 2008, 05:02:08 UTC
I read it as a meta commentary on so many d/S scenarios in fic. Rodney's fantasies are harmless to John, because it isn't John in them, but when it is the real John, everything falls apart. That's like all fanfic actually, there's a disconnect between the show and what we do with the characters, and I'm not even going to touch the subject of RPS, where the disclaimers literally spell out the difference between fantasy and reality.


ceitie July 11 2008, 04:15:06 UTC
I love the renegotiation of Rodney's fantasies, and the Batman one made me crack up. Although I think it was John's, at the end, that was my favorite.


icarusancalion July 18 2008, 04:54:22 UTC
I wonder what other fantasies John has. He seems to demand a high level of realistic historical detail.


sholio July 11 2008, 04:38:31 UTC
Okay, this was way too much fun. :D The incompatible fantasies was a wonderful dose of ... I hate to say "realism" in a story of this sort, but I think you know what I mean. I love the development of the theme that just because Rodney fancies John as a bottom, doesn't mean he actually is. But they make it work anyway. (""I fall overboard, don't I?" "Don't worry. I save you.") Heeee. I think I prefer John's fantasies ...!


icarusancalion July 18 2008, 04:56:07 UTC
John's fantasies are a little closer to the ground. Rescuing Rodney? It's not like he doesn't do that every day. Does this mean that he's living his fantasy now -- or will be, once he and Rodney are together outside the virtual reality?


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