TEAM AWAY: Smoke and mirrors, "Now You See It, Now You Don’t"

Jun 26, 2008 19:37

Title: Now You See It, Now You Don’t
Author: yavannauk
Team: Away
Prompt: Smoke and mirrors
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: None
Summary: Rodney McKay designs spectacular tricks and illusions for magician John Sheppard to perform.
Author's note: With thanks to astrea9562 for beta duties at very short notice.

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Rodney McKay was very good at his job, a genius even. An audience never went home after watching a magic show that he had designed the tricks and illusions for feeling less than totally awed and he wasn’t about to do anything that would spoil his track record now. Which meant that no spiky-haired magician with delusions of grandeur was going to tell him what illusion he should be planning as the big finish of his next show, no matter how ridiculously handsome said rakishly coiffed magician might be.

He had known it was going to be a bad idea to get involved with John Sheppard, currently the darling of the magic world, but… well, insanely hot, good in bed and apparently attracted to Rodney. He’d have been a fool to turn Sheppard down, but that didn’t mean Rodney was going to lower his standards professionally.

“No, no and just to be completely clear on this, no!” Rodney said, flailing his hands in agitation to emphasize the point further.

“Why not?” Sheppard asked, an all too familiar pout appearing on his face. “It would be really cool.”

Rodney’s expression darkened, but Sheppard pressed on undeterred.

“I’ll drive the DeLorean really fast… Don’t look at me like that, Rodney, I’ll stay within whatever limits the safety guys set. Anyway, when I get to the prearranged point you can do your thing,” Sheppard waved a hand airily. “And make the car disappear so that it will look like I actually time travelled. Come on, Rodney, at least think about it…”

“I’ve thought about it for, oh, the entire second such a stupid idea deserves,” Rodney spluttered indignantly. “Jesus, Sheppard, I design sophisticated illusions for a discerning audience, not create second rate knock offs of ‘Back To The Future’. It would be the total antithesis of cool and my answer is still the same. No!”

“Fine, I’ll find someone else to design the illusion for me then,” Sheppard said. His voice took on a sulky tone. “It’s my show. I’m the one people come to see.”

Rodney snorted. “Good luck with that, you know there isn’t anyone remotely as talented out there… And don’t even think of mentioning that hack Zelenka in the same breath as me. Without me your act will tank in no time. I, on the other hand, will find another pretty boy wannabe magician just like that.”

As Rodney snapped his fingers dismissively, Sheppard straightened up from his lazy slouch.

“You’d break up the team over this?” Sheppard said. He looked hurt.

Sitting back in his chair, Rodney folded his arms across his chest and glared at Sheppard. “Stop looking like someone kicked your puppy, Sheppard. I have no intention of breaking up the team over your stupid obsession with that damn film. I’m simply making a point: you need me far more than I need you.” Professionally speaking, he did not add out loud. As far as their personal relationship went, Rodney had no desire to give up a very good thing. “So, there will be no disappearing DeLoreans on my watch, whether it be due to time travel or to my infinitely superior skills as a designer of illusions. Understood?”

“Yes, Rodney,” Sheppard agreed, still sounding put out. “But while we’re laying down a few ground rules let me make it clear that I won’t do anything that involves living in a glass box for days or sitting on top of a pole. I’d be bored out of my brain.”

“As if!” Rodney scoffed. “So, don’t worry about your poor little brain.”

“Hey!” Sheppard complained.

“Yes, yes, you’re smarter than you look. I know,” Rodney said.

If Sheppard hadn’t been their relationship would never have lasted this long. Good looks and hot sex only went so far where Rodney was concerned. It took genuine intelligence to hold his interest once the initial gloss of lust wore off. He and Sheppard had been together for four years now, bickering and bantering like an old married couple, but Sheppard could keep him on his toes like few of Rodney’s previous lovers ever had.

“And don’t you forget it,” Sheppard said as he pushed up out of his chair.

“Anyway, I’ll make sure it’s something spectacular enough to satisfy your adrenaline junkie ways,” Rodney said as he turned his attention back to his computer.

“Aw, Rodney, you’re the best.” Sheppard flashed him a sly grin as he walked across and draped himself over Rodney. He propped his chin on Rodney’s shoulder and peered down at the computer screen.

“I already told you that,” Rodney retorted, but his expression softened a little. “You know I’ll never get this finished if you keep distracting me.”

“All work and no play make Rodney a dull boy,” Sheppard said.

He backed off a little, spinning Rodney’s chair round so they were facing one another. Rodney hesitated for a moment, but then tilted his head up. Sheppard accepted the invitation, leaning down to brush a quick kiss across his lips. Rodney made a small sound of protest when Sheppard pulled back and tried to sit forward, but Sheppard placed his hand flat on Rodney’s chest, pushing him back.

“I thought you didn’t want to be distracted,” he said, smirking.

“If you think I’m going to be able to concentrate on anything now, with a hard on that could cut steel…” Rodney said, glaring at him.

“Consider it an incentive,” Sheppard said smugly.

“Consider your ass being roundly kicked by Teyla at your next physical training session if you don’t stop being a damn tease and get down here and suck me!” Rodney grouched.

“Ooh, touchy!” Sheppard said.

He still sank down onto his knees when Rodney spread his legs, making the bulge in the front of his khakis obscenely obvious. Sheppard cupped Rodney through the fabric rubbing his thumb along the hard ridge of Rodney’s cock until Rodney growled and tilted his hips impatiently. Sheppard relented in his teasing and unzipped Rodney’s pants, reaching inside to pull Rodney’s cock carefully through the opening of his boxers. Leaning down, Sheppard slid his mouth down the thick shaft and sucked firmly. Rodney gave a wordless groan and tried to fuck his way deeper into Sheppard’s throat, but Sheppard rested his arms across Rodney’s thighs holding him still.

Rodney tipped his head until it hit the back of his seat and stared up at the ceiling as Sheppard began to give him the hottest, wettest and most frustratingly slow blow job he’d had since… Well, since the last time Sheppard had tried to destroy a few million of his brain cells with his exceptionally talented mouth. Sheppard was in the perfect position to use his weight to stop Rodney from thrusting the way he wanted to. All he could do was sit there and take it and hope that by the time Sheppard eventually let him come he still remembered his own name, let alone how to design a top class illusion. Every time Rodney got close, Sheppard backed off, licking across the head of Rodney’s cock like it was a lollipop.

Reaching out blindly with his hand, Rodney made contact with Sheppard’s head. He tangled his fingers in the thick, spiky hair and tugged until Sheppard conceded and slowly went down on him again. Rodney heard his low chuckle and felt the vibration of it around his cock as Sheppard sucked harder. Rodney gave a relieved moan and finally came, feeling Sheppard swallowing as he shuddered through his orgasm. When his cock became too sensitive, Rodney used his grip on Sheppard’s hair to pull him off.

“Jesus, John,” he muttered as he slumped forward, making eye contact with Sheppard again.

Sheppard was sitting back on his heels looking far too pleased with himself. His lips were shiny and red, slick with Rodney’s come. As Rodney watched, his tongue swept out, licking them clean. His cock gave a valiant twitch at the sight, but there was no way Rodney was getting it up again any time soon. Sheppard, though, was obviously hard, cock pressing against the zipper of his jeans.

“Come here,” Rodney said, waving a hand in the direction of Sheppard’s crotch. “Let me do something about that.”

Sheppard grinned, but shook his head. “Nah, consider this your incentive instead. You finish work on that trick and then I’ll fuck you until you’re walking funny for days.”

“Hm, I think that’s an incentive package I can get behind,” Rodney said as he slowly pulled himself together, tucking his cock back into his pants and zipping up.

By the time Rodney was done, Sheppard was on his feet and carefully adjusting himself in his jeans. Rodney allowed himself a good, long look before turning back to his work. He felt Sheppard press a brief kiss to the nape of his neck and couldn’t quite control the shiver of anticipation that ran through him. Yes, the promise of Sheppard fucking him had definitely got his creative juices flowing.

“Well, I guess I’ll just go and see how Ronon’s getting on then,” Sheppard said. “He was trying to figure out exactly how many knives he could hide in his hair. It was pretty neat.”

“Yes, yes, you run along then.” Rodney’s attention was now focused on the idea that had just come to him, but he reached out and gave Sheppard a somewhat distracted pat on his departing ass. “If he ever works out how to hide a chainsaw in there we’ll be in real trouble.”

Rodney heard Sheppard laughing as he closed the door behind him.

Several hours later, Rodney looked up from his computer, the details of his plans for John Sheppard’s most spectacular illusion yet finally complete. He found Sheppard in the next room, pointedly watching his DVD of ‘Back To The Future’. Rodney snorted his disgust.

“How do you feel about making an entire city vanish?” Rodney asked as he leaned on the back of Sheppard’s chair. “Isn’t that better than one measly DeLorean?”

Sheppard looked up at him, eyes alight with interest. “Sounds cool.”

“Come and take a look.” Rodney waved his hand in the direction of the door. “I’m thinking of calling this one ‘The Disappearance Of Atlantis’.”


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