TEAM AWAY: Eye for an eye, "Blink"

Jun 25, 2008 18:50

Title: Blink
Author: lavvyan
Team: Away
Prompt: Eye for an eye
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Rating: R for brief violence
Warnings: AU, somewhat strange and darkish. OC death.
Summary: I am going to tell you a story. About Dr. McKay and how he bought an eye from me, and how that one small act led to the strangest night in my entire life.
Notes and thanks: ( Read more... )

team away

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lavvyan July 21 2008, 18:57:23 UTC
Thank you! :D


bluflamingo June 25 2008, 17:12:30 UTC
Wow, that was seriously creepy. The eye idea is really cool, though the thought of them being taken from living people is... *shudder*. I loved the woman telling the story, even though we don't know much about her - she seemed very real.


lavvyan July 21 2008, 18:58:58 UTC
Thanks a lot - my biggest worry (well, apart from the narrator coming across as a Mary Sue or the entire plot just failing) was that the narrator wouldn't seem to be her own person. Because she is, and I don't like her at all, but there you go.

Anyway, thank you!


the_cephalopod June 25 2008, 17:33:25 UTC
What a completely fascinating story! The narrator was wonderful & I loved how everything was slowly revealed. cep xxx


lavvyan July 21 2008, 18:59:13 UTC
Thank you so much, love! ♥


tzzzz June 25 2008, 18:11:44 UTC
This was awesome! One of my favorite in the fest so far. I loved the strange creepy new world and the OC was compelling without taking over the story. I wonder, though, about the coincidence about Rodney looking for an eye and just ending up with John's. Do you think he was looking for John's eye because he suspected something already and wanted to give John his memories back? The outsider POV makes it difficult to tell. Great addition to our team. Bravo!


lavvyan July 21 2008, 19:00:46 UTC
I don't think Rodney knew what had happened - he honestly thought John had broken up with him. It was all just one biiiiig koffconvenientkoff coincidence that the one eye he ever bought turned out to be John's. Though it would have ended up with him sooner or later.

Thank you for your comment! :D


mellyna June 25 2008, 18:12:20 UTC
Interesting take on the prompt and very well written. Thanks for sharing.


lavvyan July 21 2008, 19:03:04 UTC
Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. :)


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