TEAM AWAY: Weakest link, "All the Pharaoh’s Men"

Jun 21, 2008 19:38

Title: All the Pharaoh’s Men
Author: ladyamarra
Team: Away
Prompt: Weakest link
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Rating: R
Warnings: Scenes of violence (not graphic)
Summary: “Shut up and walk,” the guard grunts hoarsely and Rodney’s glad he’s bound to the man before him or he would fall and land in the blistering hot sand face first.
Notes: Thanks to ldyanne, ( Read more... )

team away

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Comments 21

unaccompanied_g June 21 2008, 22:09:22 UTC
Oh, oh, this was fantastic and I loved it and, Oh, Rodney. ♥


goddess47 June 21 2008, 23:48:03 UTC
I adore when Rodney gets to save the day... nicely done!


burkesl17 June 22 2008, 08:55:34 UTC
Go Rodney! I love it when he saves the day and that was an exhilarating ending.


sgamadison June 22 2008, 15:03:21 UTC
The concept of a slave trade in Pegasus works very well given the unstable nature of most of the cultures and the hard-fought battle for life and civilization building. I really liked the very realistic assessment that Rodney had of his chances for survival in this situation if he had to rely on his physical strength alone. I also loved the fact that he ultimately rescued not only himself but everyone in the camp with him--despite the fact that it was John who rode in with the cavalry. Very cool story.


lavvyan June 22 2008, 18:45:17 UTC
This is awesome. Only Rodney would end up staging an uprising without actively setting out to do so. And I loved how he became the hero of the camp in a true Rodney McKay fashion. Very nice read. :D


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