Second Warm-up Challenge - Icons

Jun 08, 2013 22:02

Time for the second of our warm up challenges - and now we have our teams, it's for a team prize!

Team Cool and Team Fine (led by their fabulous captains melagan and reddwarfer), their supporters, and of course the mods too, will be needing plenty of suitable icons to see them through the next couple of months. We have our official McShep Match 2013 icons by mific, of course, but this challenge, which will run from now until Saturday 15th June, should give us lots more to support our teams!

Icons can be with or without team-related text (e.g. 'Team Cool', 'Team Fine'). They don't have to be specifically McShep, but as the fest is for McKay/Sheppard entries only, please don't submit icons featuring either of them in other pairings! Other pairings without either Sheppard or McKay are fine - if you want to make an icon of Lorne/Zelenka or Teyla/Elizabeth supporting the teams, go for it. Or if you have an idea using stock photography - no problem!

In short, as long as it's supporting one of the teams and doesn't contradict our pairing, it's good.

All you need to do is make a comment to this post with your icons (and details for giving credit etc.) Please make sure you list the team the icons are for in the subject to help the mods.

When the icon challenge closes on June 15th we will compile all icons for each team into groups and comm watchers will be able to vote for the team they think has made the best showing in the contest. We normally host the icons on a mod's website for the voting post and will be doing the same again this year, but if you'd prefer your icons to be hotlinked instead then please mention it when you post your entry.

The winning team will receive two extra days on their deadline.

Don't forget anyone can take part - the warm-up challenges are open to all.

You have until Saturday 15th June at 8pm GMT (When is that?) to make your icons and post them here!

!mod post, warm-up challenge

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