Title: Rounded with a Sleep
ChandriTeam: Sheppard
Prompt: lost and found
Pairing(s): Rodney McKay/John Sheppard, Teyla Emmagen/Kanaan, past McKay/Keller
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: (highlight to reveal) (temporary! I swear!) major character death
Summary: Sixteen days ago, John died. So why is Rodney the only one who remembers it happening?
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Comments 23
The first thing I want to salute is the style. Every sentence held weight and had purpose. Your writing is so lovely and evocative, and you handled the more tender moments between John and Rodney with breathtaking skill.
Second, the TEAM! Teyla coming to sit with Rodney and bringing tea, Ronon snuggling beside Rodney and talking about Satedan poetry, and then the fact that they had been planning on Rodney figuring it out and going out for a "rescue"/reversal. Wow. The team just really came together on this one, and I also loved how they had Important Things To Do when the Forte Contentia (Infinite Improbability Drive!) was going into overload, how Rodney needed them throughout the entire story. ^__ ( ... )
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