1. Why did you decide to join the Match? It gave me an excuse to write the boys again. No, I guess I've just been a part of the Match for a while now, it felt wrong NOT to do it again. Plus it's the last one.
2. What's your favorite genre of fanfic (hurt/comfort, AU, angst, etc and why?) I like them all, but I have a real guilty pleasure for cliche fics. I am secrectly in love with waking up married fics.
3. Why John and Rodney? If anyone here doesn't know why John and Rodney I'm shocked! I mean, just watch the show and you'll know why. They have such chemistry, and the banter! I love their banter.
4. Tell me more about your fannish endeavours. Where can we find more of your work? I got started in the Buffyverse and I've never looked back. I've written for pretty much everything Whedon related, two of the Stargates, Friends, Torchwood, Supernatural, Chuck, Heroes, American Idol RPF, Avengers and I Doctor Who/Eureka crossover I'm especially proud of. I'm on
Dreamwidth and
AO3 5. What's the strangest/most interesting thing that's inspired one of your works? I've been inspired by prompts, song lyrics and quotes from books. I don't know as if there is anything really strange that's inspired me.
6. Just how Cool are you? I don't think I'm that Cool. I'm trying to teach my kids to be a geek/nerd like me. My 4 year old daughter knows all my shows and favorite films (she can name characters and knows all the Avengers). Which reminds me, I need to introducer her to SGA.....*wanders off*
issaro asks Looking at your works, it seems like you ship anyone with everyone! It might just be me, but that level of multi-ships within a single fandom is pretty rare. What's your secret?
I don't know that I have one! *laughs* A lot of my multishipping is in two fandoms, Buffy/Angel and Avengers. With the Buffyverse the multishipping comes from multiple viewings of the shows and seeing something news with each viewing.
With the Avengers, my fist ship came before the movie (Clint/Darcy because of Clint's 30 second cameo in Thor). The rest (which I mostly read in but I'm aiming to write in) followed with reading lots of things recommended by people I trust. I'm hoping to get the muse interested in writing more in the Avengers because there are a few prompts that have really caught my eye.
mific asks "John and Rodney walk into a bar, what happens next?"
Well, John rubs his head and Rodney does they same. They take some good natured ribbing from the people around them, even a comment or two referencing Storm Troopers and Star Wars. They both decide the injuries aren't bad enough to go see Carson so instead they go to their room to kiss each other's boo boos better.
sgamadison asks the hard questions with Favorite SGA episode?
Non-McShep related would have to be Poisoning the Well because it's Carson-centric and Carson is what got me watching SGA first. McShep would have to be Tao of Rodney (H/C at its finest).