McShep Match: the Pre-Season Friendly - Team Angst

May 18, 2007 03:10

Welcome to mcshep_angst, the community for Team Angst in the mcshep_match challenge!

Sign-ups will be opening in a couple of weeks, and if you're thinking of getting involved why not pick yourself up an icon or two now to get into the mood? You'll have plenty of opportunities to use them… but more on that later.

A huge thank you to forcryinoutloud for creating our official Team and challenge icons - please make sure you remember to credit her in the keywords when you upload the icons.

Just one more thing for now, which is to let you know that we'll be running a couple of small warm-up challenges - and not just for writers - between now and the end of sign ups, so keep an eye on the mcshep_match community for news on those!

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