AFI was amazing

Jul 05, 2007 00:09

Just look at the title. They we're the best band I've ever seen live.
We got to Summerfest aroun 10:50. Danielle and I waited until noon when the gates opened. As soon as the worker scanned my ticket, I ran to the US Cellular stage. Luckily, we ended up in front row. We made friends with the people around us and one girl even saved a spot for Joey, who ended up coming 10 minutes late. I managed to hold my pee for five or six hours but I had to go by the time the crowd began filling up. There was this nice woman who offered to get us food or anything to drink so we didnt lose our place. Well, we asked the girl we've been talking to most of the day to hold our spots as Danielle and I ran to the nearest bathroom and jolted back without washing our hands. I know, I know, but its the price you pay for your favorite bands. Anyways, we got back and our seats we're still there, empty. We noticed a group of girls that looked a little shady, for we didnt move anymore. Before we knew it, the girls were standing infront of us at the barricade. Roxy, the girl we made friends with, told them to get out cause we've been there since morning. They got bitchy then left to steal someone elses spots. So, around 7, the people in the front row of benches began to stand against the barricade. At 9 it began to pour. Lightning struck the sky while the thunder shook the ground. Fireworks were set off near the lake next to the stage so the fans had something to watch while we worried if AFI would just cancel or not. Its after ten and the rain didnt get any lighter. Now everyone chanted AFI AFI AFI AFI! Four people came in behind us and the obnoxious guy added to our nearly-ruined-evening. He insulted AFI and the fans while he and his whores arrived a few minutes earlier while the others we're waiting for HOURS to get the spots they we're in. Most of the people stood on the benches and we we're pushed up against the barricade, not hard, like I'd expected. It was a little comfortable minus the aching pain my feet we're in from standing for hours. The only thing I hated was the rain, the guy and two girls [who, I forgot to mention made out constantly behind me and smoked only inches away from me and flicked cigarette butts over my head]. Then...Davey came on stage. Followed by Jade and Hunter and Adam. I looked at Danielle and the both of us began bawling. I cried twice. Maybe it was because of her but I've never cried that hard at a concert. I ended up getting pretty amazing pictures and developed a crush on Jade. Deffinately the best concert I've ever been to. By far.
By the time the concert was done, my hair was plastered to my face because of the rain and wind. Me, Danielle, and her mom ended up getting lost on the bus ride home. We ended up in Hales Corners. So we talked to another bus driver and she ended up taking just us to our right park and ride.

Oh, by the way, Danielle's mom won me Panic! At The Disco Meet and Greets. This Saturday may just be one of the most amazing days of my to Tuesday. :D I'm so nervous. And I'm not sure what I'll say. I hope I actually say something that isnt jibberish and that makes sense. I hope I dont begin babbling like a fool. I hope I dont end up saying something incredibly stupid and they think I'm crazy.
I'll tell ya how it goes.
Here's one of my pictures of Davey Havok

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