So we had an ARE (Attack Readiness Exercise) at drill this weekend. I was in triage the whole exercise. I basically sorted out who was going to live. Kind of a shitty job in a real mass casualty incident. I spent the majority of the day in MOPP 2, which is basically the militaries reference to the chemical attack threat level, 0 = not so much, 4 = oh shit we're fucked. We were in 2 most of the time, which means, I was wearing my chem suit, and the boots. I did however, manage to get to spend around 3 hours in MOPP 4 which means putting on my mask and the overhood, aka easy-bake oven for your face. It was so fucking hot in that, when I got out I smelled like charcoal and ass.
I don't know if it's my skills improving or if I am just used to the same injuries they throw at you in this kind of thing. I mean, a GSW to the chest comes in and im like occlusive dressing, taped 3 sides check the back for exit wound, manage it. Moved to the exam rooms and its like oh look they are giving us a hemothorax scenario now, oh the suprise! I dunno, I am more cyincal now than I was when I was actually assisting the doc. Speaking of which, holy fucking shit, doctor Hanson makes the best fucking cookies in the world. I was like dude, what the shit these are awesome. It was like an oatmeal and milk chocolate/peanut butter/cinnamon chip cookie. I can't describe the delciousness. I mean, he was always my favorite of our docs because, he just kicks total ass. I learn so much shit from him, but now he teaches me how to make the best fucking cookie ever.
This site shows average IQ of states and who they voted for in 2004. I don't think anyone would be terribly suprised. --------------------------------------------------
So many people have come and gone
Their faces fade as the years go by
Yet I still recall as I wander on
As clear as the sun in the summer sky
It’s more than a feeling, when I hear that old song they used to play (more than a feeling)
I begin dreaming (more than a feeling)
’till I see marianne walk away
I see my marianne walkin’ away