Title - "And It All Breaks Down at the Role Reversal"
Author -
runthegamut Pairing - Mikey Way/William Beckett/Spencer Smith and a surprise
Rating - R for adult themes
Word Count: 1130
Summary - Bill and Spencer approach Mikey about having a threesome. Here's how it goes down.
Disclaimer - Not real. Never happened. Fake fake fake.
A/N's - A while back I made an offhanded remark to
artisticmuddle about
this picture. Then I had an idea. Then I sat down to write that idea and it got away from me. This is meant to be humorous. The characters are caricatures, not how I actually see them. Title from "Nancy Boy" by Placebo. Written for
artisticmuddle as always.
(So how’s this going to work?)