Title: A Path Tumultuous & Perilous (series, part #1)
penitence_ballPairing: Frank Iero//Gerard Way, Quinn Allman//Bob Bryar, other pairings to come
Rating: R this part (swearing)
Summary: Plagues of Biblical proportion have rained down on the earth for several years. Yes, this is about the Apocalypse and those who struggle to survive in its wake.
Disclaimer: As much as I would absolutely love to be involved with these men, sadly, like anyone else reading this story, I'm not. Please take all this with a grain of salt and a very big imagination.
Author Notes: Plagued by a craptastic bout of writer's block for years, it's been a very long time (think lotrips) since I felt inspired enough by anything to want to do any serious writing for anyone but myself. I'm nervous about getting my feet wet, especially in such a huge fandom.
china_doll_arteWarnings: AU, slash, slight het references
"Tired, spent and wasted we trudge forwards, on a path tumultuous and perilous." -- unknown