Jun 26, 2010 16:50
I will write a proper blog about my feelings one day. But today is not the day and it is 1 am. ETA: we saw how that worked out. Well, technically, not step by step, my ~feelings~, but still essay-ish and long etc.
However, I did watch the second half of the finale today, The Big Bang, and it was
Perfect, fabulous, incredible, magnificent, spectacular ending to a great series; although it was sort of lacking in some parts of the writing, The Big Bang made up for it.
Yeah, The Pandorica Opens was a frustrating episode with the cliffhanger of the century and everyone that I hate in an alliance against may favorite being. Sure, the end was basically everything collapsing and Amy dying in Rory's arms and the Doctor yelling in pain and begging and sitting there helpless. I could go on about my pre-TBB complaints, but TBB just wrapped everything so nicely, if it were any different it wouldn't have the same effect anymore. The week-long wait that seemed like a time loop because it juuuuuuuust keeeeeeeept draggingggggggggg oooooooooooooon actually put me in the perfect mood to watch TBB (desperate and anxious and about to implode).
Steven Moffat is probably the greatest writer I have ever encountered. He's practically the "designated good episode writer", especially for a series finale, which usually ends with all the viewers and the actors collectively slitting their wrists a pile of angst, knowing Doctor Who (coughRTDcough). The happy ending is the ever so welcome change we all need. Not only that, it made sense, it made me happy, fucking hell it exhausted me it was so good.
Because I'm dumb and completely behind (I'm only just finishing up the third series now, I hadn't even gone through series two by the Silurian episodes), the only story arcs I've experienced were the Bad Wolf theme (which, quite frankly, was minor), the Harold Saxon plot, the- OK, well, I don't think there were any story arcs as significant or conspicuous as the cracks in time. The accessibility the writers had with the crack (I sound like I'm talking about drugs, lulz) made it known, let you have speculations and other conspiracy theories. No writer can write the Master into a story set in a pre-WWI boys' military school or a New x 15 York motorway.
The cleverness of the crack is that it's connected to the characters themselves. It follows them, it's wherever they go, wherever they go in all of time and space, it's there and it's creepy and nomming through everything. What I absolutely adore about the finale(s) was how every previous episode in the series were relevant and used in the plot. Moff's brain is incredible, how he thought of that and wrote it and connected it and akfjdlk;jsfd whatever is hard to imagine. He is so creative, holy shit, I love it.
Here's a cutdown of how the crack fit into the episodes (as we know it; there's a ton of tiny details and theories people have) in order to see the brilliance (and for me to find order with this shit):
The Eleventh Hour: basically the whole point: the Doctor discovers Prisoner One in the crack snorting it all up and has to figure out what the crack is doing to Amy, her house, her life, corner of the eye thing. (OK bad explanation, I haven't rewatched it recently, and the crack parts and details are intricate and scattered everywhere)
The Beast Below: all right, so one of my least favorite episodes, I don't want to rewatch it. Ever. Only small bits. All I know is the crack was on the surface of the ship. That's probably it, the arc is still building, all inconspicuous and creepy and unknown. As seen in TPO, Liz 10 encounters River in the Royal Collection.
Time of the Angels and Flesh and Stone: Amy figures out that the crack is wherever she goes, following her. The clerics disappear into it, it's also where the Angels fall into, therefore ending the story. I thought for a while that that would solve the crack addiction problem, but nope! Still more. River and the Doctor also discuss the Pandorica towards the end. You also have the pep talk the Doctor gives Amy in the forest when she was abandoned by the clerics, which in actuality was the Doctor who (lol pun) was dissolving into time.
Vampires of Venice: at the end, when the crew are filing into the TARDIS, everything suddenly becomes silent. woooooo~*~*~*~
Amy's Choice: All right, because this was such a bizarre episode, there was no room for cracky shit to go on.
The Hungry Earth and Cold Blood: You have Rory and Amy seeing their "future selves", and of course, Rory getting nommed by the time energy and "forgotten" by Amy.
Vincent and the Doctor: Amy cries when she talks to Vincent about love and stuff. Van Gogh later paints the exploding TARDIS (TPO). Also, I'm sure I'm not the only who noticed, but in The Lodger, Craig's fridge had a pamphlet from the Van Gogh exhibit.
The Lodger: crack behind the fridge; crack in the road later seen in TBB. Amy finds the ring.
The Pandorica Opens and The Big Bang: lol of course tho
Yup, so that's my little Doctor Who thing to bid farewell to series five. It was a good one, the first that I actually followed, and I loved it. :D I might do some more detailed pointless essaying and talking to myself about TPO and TBB, perhaps even other episodes, and series six/Christmas special excitement (thank fuck, nine months without Doctor Who is death).
Good night, then, I have skating, and more conspiracy theorizing tomorrow. :D
doctor who