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Apr 01, 2005 19:02

yeah so todays april fools day. people are pissing me off. today was fun, but then again i got pissed off really easily. during lunch laura told me to scream food fight really loud then sit down adn stand up and say APRIL FOOLS. so i screamed food fight and sean davis threw like some crap and it got all over me so i threw it abck at him and hit mike in the abck of the head on accident. lmao. i didnt mean to. and he was about to throw something abck at me but mrs crowley walked out and i stood up and was like APRIL FOOLS EVERYONE! lmao. it was funny. then kristina put linseys purse ontop of the door and she was too short to get it. finally someone did. then we had miss miller in home and careers and i called her KILLA MILLA and then everyone started it. it was annoying. then i got sent in the hall for being a disterbance. lmao. and everyone was telling me to flash our teacher through the window. but i didnt. i wasent in the mood to be in the office. lmao. then 10th period matt was being a real dick to me. i cant stand him anymore. he makes me so aggervated. he called me a slut and told me to jump off a cliff cuz no one likes me or cares. maybe i will.

i got my pictures today. they all sucked. lmao. but their halrious. when missy gets back from jess's dads were gonna scan some and ill put them in here.

so i wanna go to the mall tommorrow but since missys gone and everyone has a life, i dunno if im gonna go. cuz i sure dont wanna go alone.....well later.

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