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anna_unfolding February 27 2011, 19:59:57 UTC
Anyone else around? It looks like we have a few twitter people to help us today. I will be in and out, but am excited to follow along if we get regular information. Yay show day!

Here are my predictions, for what they are worth, (and by my heartbreaking record in Newcastle of 1 for 5, that isn't much).

prediction #1: we will see the shorter set again like last night. They will be back in Germany later in the tour, and they are likely gearing up for a longer set in Paris in two days. Plus, they were just so busy last week, even their show days off were filled with the video shoot and the NME awards, and travel.

I was excited to see they did Venom last night. VENOM!!! It means to me that there is now a little rotating group of older songs that can go in that spot, or the other Hang 'Em High spot each night:

Give 'Em Hell, Kids
Hang 'Em High
House of Wolves

two of these are getting played, whether they are doing the short or long set. What do we predict tonight??

prediction #2: Um...for no particular reason other than I think they'll do one they have been doing and one that I like the most, I predict Give 'Em Hell and Prison.

Last night got no Bullets! There was talk of another Bullets song emerging (I guess Frank said he wanted to do Skylines and Turnstiles some time?), but we won't see that till the US tour, if at all, I think. (I guess that is a prediction...I think they will play Skylines and Turnstiles at one or some of these 10 year anniversary things that are getting planned that we know nothing about.) So which Bullets song, if any, will be played tonight, Sorrows or Vampires? They did play them both in Birmingham, but that was before they were playing Bulletproof Heart. SO I don't think they are going back to that.
prediction #3: Sorrows will be played. It's shorter than Vampires. And I just don't want them to NOT do anything from Bullets two nights in a row.

So that means these songs will not be played:
Ghost of You
Part Poison
Kids from Yesterday

ANyone else????

Yay band!!


blame_mona February 27 2011, 20:18:14 UTC
i think that there will be a switch between venom and give 'em hell, kid every night. they have been doing that since last year if i'm not mistaken.
i also think that there will be another switch between hang 'em high and prison. that is what they did last time they brought prison. though, i don't think they'll play prison any time soon, maybe the latter shows? idk why, but it seems unlikely to me that they'll play that song, but frank is the one who makes the setlist, so we don't know for sure what he'll put.
i think we'll get the shorter setlist through the whole europe tour, but with a few switches on songs.

i'm guessing that vampires will unlikely to be played as an encore or earlier on the setlist because of how long the song is. i think they'll keep BPH as encore. with sorrows i think they'll play it as an extra. probably discussing whether to play the song on stage.

no kids or party poison, i'm definitely sure. teenagers will always be there since it's a single and all that.


anna_unfolding February 27 2011, 20:27:50 UTC
Oooh!!! Yay! Another person wanting to play predictions!!


I don't think they've played Venom since they started officially this tour, in Japan, but yeah, they did play it last year a lot, and I LOVE IT so I was thrilled to see it back... same with Prison.

Do you think even Paris and Barcelona and Munich will get the shorter set? I guess we'll see if was only English cities that got it and not other big European tour stops.

I AGREE with you about Vampires and BPH. And I love the idea that they discuss on stage changes to the set list.

Oh, and of course Teenagers. All the sets got that in the UK, long or short, right? I don't know where my brain was. SORRY.


blame_mona February 27 2011, 20:43:49 UTC
lol hi. :3

did they play give 'em hell, kid in japan though? if that's so it's probably why they didn't play venom.

i think that they'll play the longer setlist in the bigger cities, like these you mentioned, and maybe stockholm. it might depend on how much time they are giving to play at each venue, maybe.

yeah, i think teenagers will always be on the setlist.

tbh, i'm not sure what they plan to play - which songs to remove and to put instead.


yekith February 27 2011, 21:07:52 UTC
The twitter list is rather dead, sadly! :/

And...I'm too brain dead today, honestly, can't think much, but I'll say my prediction for sake of it: Venom AND Prison (though that's half wishful thinking). I definitely think they're (well, played, at this point) venom tonight again. And if not Prison, House of Wolves. Also yes, I say short setlist again, so the rest will be the same as yesterday. I doubt there will be any Bullets, though I hope I'm wrong there.

I do think Paris will get the long setlist, and maybe Spain...


yekith February 27 2011, 22:03:24 UTC
Well, I was always kinda right about House of Wolves is not prison (Prison was, again, more wishful thinking)!

So they got the short list. But with an extra -long- song...Vampires! :D And I'm glad I was wrong there.


yekith February 27 2011, 22:08:31 UTC
IF not Prison. WTF with my typing today.


anna_unfolding February 27 2011, 22:10:29 UTC
yeah, you did pretty good with the predictions, bb!! Now the longer set list challenge for Paris!!


yekith February 27 2011, 22:18:16 UTC
I'm wondering if it'll be the same as London (though maybe without Party Poison since there's BPH now). Probably so, since they don't have much time in between shows. I think we could mostly bet on the 2nd and 4th songs, since those are the changing ones. Oh, and whether they'll play both vampires and Kids like in London (making it 21 songs)or it'll be 20.


anna_unfolding February 27 2011, 22:22:29 UTC
Yep you SO SMART.

So they are likely to get Give Em Hell and Hang em high, Or GIve em Hell and Prison. (prison only showed up once....not super likely to see it again every other show, but PLEASE I WANT IT)

And I think they will not do Sorrows and Vampires and Kids. I think Vampires will be cut (long show, cut the long song) and Paris will get 20 songs.


yekith February 27 2011, 22:28:42 UTC
Ok...my predictions.

I'd want Venom and Prison but I doubt that will happen. So I say either Venom and Hang 'em High (I'll leave that as my first choice, wouldn't be fair otherwise!) or just like you said, Give 'em Hell and Prison. Then I say Vampires but no Kids (though I don't see it too impossible for them to get both...hasn't happened since London) :P


anna_unfolding February 27 2011, 22:37:02 UTC
It's not impossible, but after London they stared playing BPH, and I think that means we don't get all three of Vampires, Kids, and Sorrows. Right?


yekith February 27 2011, 22:44:39 UTC
Yeah, they started playing BPH but they left out Party Poison, so that was already balanced. For London they had Party Poison + Kids + Vampires. Now it could be Kids + Vampires + BPH. :D


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