May 16, 2006 18:14
for tuning evreyoen agianst me
for lying to me.
for being a idiotic twat.
for never ever being there.
so basically im shit and things with my mum and dad are terrible and 6 people
are getting so bad
tonight if they dont just get overthemselves im deleting them for evreything,ive had enought
i cant handle it anymore
so ill be leaving teh 3rd eyars (part from emma,lenny,isla,courtney,david,micheal,dj,bobby.But soem i still will love i jsut wotn annoy them anylonger.) why? cause basically
im no idiot,i know ive never been wanetd to hang about
so there you go
thanks alot
your what i might be going to coucling for =]
i <3 emma,cause shes my whore with a door =]
Hazel x