(no subject)

Nov 07, 2007 11:25

 1. Did you dress up as a member of My Chem for Hallowe'en this year? If not, have you in the past? Pictures would be awesome!
Nah. I'm too old for trick or treating. :P

2. Did you see anyone dressed as one of the guys this year? Trick or treating, at a party etc...
No. Saw lots of vampires though.

3. If you could pick a Chem song to be in the end credits of any horror movie what would it be? (Keep in mind Helena and I Never Told You... were already both used in House of Wax)
I didn't know "Helena" was used in that movie. Learn something new everyday.
Um.."Sleep" comes to mind. Just the way it's done. With the recording at the beginning. Creepy and cool as hell.

4. Frank has his birthday tattooed on his fingers and a giant lack-o-lantern on his back. Do you have anything special and close to you that you would consider getting tattooed?
I always wanted to get a tattoo but I could never think of anything that I would want permanently on my body. It would have to be something to do with family or music. Those are the two things that will never change.

5. How was your Hallowe'en? :)
It was lovely. Gave out candy to kids until we ran out then just walked all over the neighborhood. Checking out costumes and harrassing the man dressed as Michael Myers. It was awesome!
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