Dec 31, 2007 17:58
without being too much of a cunt, here's what's up.
matt and i went home.
matt and i came back.
matt was happy at home.
i was mediocre at best at home.
and now matt's going through something.
he's been unhappy in new york, since the day we got out of our moving trucks. and he's stuck by it for me, and then him, and then me. but honestly, i can't imagine being anywhere else. and i try and i try. because i believe you make big sacrifices for the person you love. right? like giving up your dream because they're totally unhappy. probably not so right. i refuse to believe we'll break up (again) over this. so i'm job hunting for him. because he's apathetic and doesn't want to do it, but maybe if i mix things up, he'll feel more glad.
i'm gonna try to push this out of my mind for the eve.
it used to be so much easier to write a livejournal post.