Alright, I've studied for a solid 20 minutes or so, and I need a distraction.
While reading and posting in this thread in
Mark's LiveJournal, (thread title blatently stolen from Gordon's post there, by the way) I admitted that I have no idea what love is, how to define it, or anything about it, really. I don't know whether I've been in love or if
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But love? Hmm. I found a lost notebook on campus and took it back to the name listed on a couple of the printed sheets contained within. Why did I do this? Exams were scheduled for one week from that day. This was an especially sucky time to lose one's notes. So I gave it back to THE GIRL and she broke down like she thought she'd lost it forever. No actual tears, but her voice quavered, you know? Perhaps she took this generosity as a showing of some kind of love for which she hungered? Whom knows? (Not me. I haven't seen her since.) I'm so badass.
Anyway: luh-rve. Something which most people want, in one form or another. Recognition and translation of stimuli vary according to their mood, temperment, upbringing, and other genetic/societal modifiers. If one is the recipient of something recognized as love, one quickly doublechecks their opinion of the other person involved. If Person A is pleased and glad to be with Person B, then Person A's reaction is positive and wholesome. If Person A is repulsed by Person B, then Person A either shies away in a manner according to their disposition.
Love is behavior not regulated by the cold, societal norms of everyday behavior. Loving behavior is thus easily identified. However, wish fufillment often makes us falsely believe that simple courtesy is motivated by romantic intent. Love is behavior focused with the individual's benefit in mind. Not necessarily disinterested benefit, though that especial sort of benefit is the stuff of which legends are woven.
So yeah. Love is action focused on an individual or group of indivduals with intent focused on future events. Desire is a hunger for such action, and is not necessarily a bunkmate to love.
*warm embrace to sausage*
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