This Thursday the Seattle City Council will be meeting to discuss the city's nightlife policies and possibly vote on a limited license for clubs that the city could later revoke if the club does not meet their requirements.
The council will be taking public comment at this meeting.
It's important for us as a community to represent our interests and show that there is a large base of constituents willing to stand up for their rights and their way of life. There will be plenty of pressure there from the uber-rich condo owners who think they can buy homes in a club district and shut them down with noise complaints willing to make campaign donations to get their way. We have to show that we are just as powerful a force and that we ARE paying attention. Please come down and let your voice be heard, if only by being present.
The meeting will take place this Thursday August 16th at 6pm in West Seattle at the Highpoint Community Center, 6920 34th Ave. SW.
More details available at the Seattle City Council site: Please repost this, and thanks for your support.