The quest BEGINS!!!

Jan 05, 2006 12:22

The search for the best winter seasonal beer...

I have just about tried them all, there are a few more lurking around in my fridge but I will review each beer I drink and decide the winner.

First off I drank my two favorites that I tried I on tap and then reevaluated in the bottle.

Red Hook's Winterhook-

A shock heard 'round the beer world. Red Hook out of Seattle came through with one of the most drinkable winter beers in recent memory.

Winterhook is an English Ale of the moderate variety. It balences nicely with a nice easy fruity finish that catches you of guard. The perfect beer if your drinking multiples, light enough to not overwhelm but hearty enough that it leaves you feeling satisfied.

A beer worthy of both the casual drinker and the hardcore beer fans.

I give it a 8.6/10 on the mcpunky scale

Anchor Brewing's Our Special Ale 2005-

Holy Shit! This spiced beer may have the most Christmas taste ever packed into a bottle, WITHOUT being reduced to the sterotypical winter beer flavors.

Heavily malted with a touch of spice and great nose on it and a perfect tinted head, this is the beer you would give someone if your trying to impress them.

On top of all that it is also surprisingly drinkable though it is so rich I wouldn't recomend more that a few at any one sitting.

any easy mid 9 beer that will touch to beat by the rest of the foray of winter beers.

9.3/10 on the mcpunky scale
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