Nov 07, 2006 16:42
So I went driving around today, I drove down M-15. For those of you who don't know I spent a couple of years on M-15. Its a stretch of road running from Davison to I-75 (I know it goes farther north, just not for me). I found some places I used to go, places I have been a couple times, and while I could remember going there, and who I was with, and when, I can't remember what I talked about with the people there, I used to think I could, but when I was driving I realized I couldn't, and I also realized there is an ice cream place in Goodrich that I have been to once 4 years ago that I have no idea how to get to. Normally I would have come home and cried and beat the shit out of myself trying to remember, but something was different this time, I coulnd't have cared less. Sure I remember the big things and the big conversations that I have had over the last 7 years, but the little stuff that used to bother me cause I couldn't remember, doesn't. I think this is a good sign that mentally I am ready move forward and to stop trying to stay connected to the past, that my brain is finally cleaning out the closet so I can store new memories.