(no subject)

Apr 12, 2006 22:58

Sometimes people think they're helping you, but in reality they're just hurting you. You can't save someone who doesn't need saving. Also how can you save someone else when you can't even save yourself. Everythings so strange right now. Bailey is more conserned about a song then she is about me being sick. or so it seems. If it were you you'd think the same. "You need to be in school tomm." "if your going over emilios you have to stay after and they;re just going to have to wait on you, cause we have to practice" not once did you ask how I was feeling. For your info I'm not aloud to go to Emilios...oh look bet your happy about that. Hey I'm not mad I'm just really disapointed in my so called friends. I'm trying to be understanding and working with you guys. but I've bent myself backwards and I don't go any further. if you guys have problems with my boyfriend and me..call me about and be a true friend. and don't make me read it online. cause as far as i'm concerned from that i don't need you cause you couldn't come to me...Come to me and maybe i can understand your sayings
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