Jan 18, 2001 12:18
Soo yea,
I dropped my evening class of Earth Science soo that I could find a night job...and added International Relations...
Jason and I are in it together...soo at least I have someone to sit by and BITCH to about the idiot professor. He goes on and on about these tangents...and passes out papers that "we will not be tested over...but should know about".
OK, Dr. Kelly...stay away from him!
Soo I just embarrassed the hell out of myself...but it was kinda funny.
I am at work right! And I am out in the hall getting a drink of water and I run into a girl I had in my Spanish class last semester...We get to catching up...and Dr. Cora Hedstrom of the Comm dept. steps out and asks me to introduce myself to her class cause they could hear every word I said... Soo you know Shane (ten minutes of fame boy) I get all "flame on" and introduce myself...and like Maria is in the class and all the people I know...soo it was not bad...and Cora had fun with it too..
Ok gotta run...
Love you all....