Oct 19, 2000 09:04
Ok soo I was like 10 min. late for work this morning....and as I was walking in, who do I happen to come upon....Barb the wonder secretary.
She is like late every day, she has to pick up one of our elderly, crippled professors (I think it is time for ESU to invest in some new profs), and the one day that I am late....she like wigs out.
I guess the professors have to answer the phone when we are 10 min late, and they don't like that. Like it is that fucking hard to answer a phone when a student is 10 freaking min late for work.
Then I start to run copies for one professor....and this other professor runs in during her class and demands that I stop what I am donig and run her 10 copies as fast as I can....soo I am running off a copy already of about 200....and I can't just stop for this other damn professor.
I go down to the Debate room to use the copier there...which by the way is on the Dept's Budget...and I get griped out by Glen Strickland for doing my job....I guess he doesn't like us to use that copying machine becuase it is for DEBATE primarily...
God I need a million dollars or a less stressful job!