Good day today!

May 17, 2008 23:20

I thought that I'd write a little bit here before I go to bed.

Josh and I had a great day today.

1) Went to the library to get a book for mom to read.  Josh did okay.  It was the first time in this particular library so he was little whiney, but when an elderly lady started talking to him, he started smiling and pointing to the things around him.

2) Went to the post office to get 1 cent stamps -- Josh did great again...AND found out that since I had the Liberty Bell "Forever" stamp -- that I didn't need the 1 cent stamps because the "forever" stamps are good for...well..."forever" no matter what the going rate for a stamp is!

3) Went to the grocery store to by some milk (it's on sale so I HAD to make use of saving $2.00!) Josh did fantastic!

4) Came home ate lunch and Josh took a nap --  2.5 hours.  Great job, Josh!

5) Mom spent nap time reading "The Einstein Syndrome" -- probably isn't going to be my son...but it's SOOO nice to have a positive spin on children who don't follow the "normal" development schedule.

6) Probably the best thing of the day -- Josh and I were playing with is toy telephone when I asked him to identify numbers (I have never tried it with him before today and thought, "what the heck.")  As I asked him to find each number 1-9 he did it..ALL CORRECTLY!!!!  I almost cried.  He can identify 7 shapes and numbers 1-9 --- I couldn't be happier right now.

7) Had a couple of friends over to watch "27 dresses."  The movie was cute and a good chic-flic...the best part of the night was the fact that one of the girls that came over, well, we haven't been the best of friends.  That aside, after a talk at Chili's the other night - where we both apologized for things in the past -- I think we are able to start fresh and new....THAT IS AN INCREDIBLE FEELING.

So...all in all a good day.

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