AF447 пропал над Атлантикой. Airbus A330-200 F-GZCP

Jun 01, 2009 16:54

Пропал недалеко от побережья Бразилии (186 миль к северу от острова Фернандо-де-Норонья). Последняя фотка. К сожалению уже не крайняя.

Рейс AF-447 : Рио-де-Жанейро - Париж
Борт Airbus А330-200 F-GZCP sn 660
216 пассажиров и 12 экипажа. (3 пилота и 9 стюардов)
(126 мужчин, 82 женщины, 7 детей и 1 грудной ребенок)

Телефон поддержки AirFrance - +33 157 021055 for calls from outside France.

Налет : капитан - 11.000 и 1700 на А330/А340
первый пилот - 3.000 и 800 на типе
второй пилот - 6.600 и 2.600 на типе

Двигатели - General Electric CF6-80E. Общий налет борта - 18.870 часов
Произведен - 18 апреля 2005 г.
Последний сервис - 16 апреля 2009 г.

Пропал в условиях сильной турбулетности, ливня и грозы.
Пилоты сообщали о проблемах с электроникой.


P.S. первый борт серии А330-200, который разбился

UPDATE : 16.45 (17.45 по Киеву) президент Франции Николя Саркози прибудет в аэропорт

Официальный сайт -

Press release N° 2
Air France regrets to confirm the disappearance of flight AF 447 flying from
Rio de Janeiro to Paris-Charles de Gaulle, scheduled to arrive at 11:10am
local time today, as announced to the press by Air France CEO, Pierre-Henri

The Airbus A330-200, registration F-GZCP, left Rio on 31 May at 7:03pm local
time (12:03am in Paris).

The aircraft hit a zone of stormy weather with strong turbulence at 2am this
morning (universal time), i.e. 4am in Paris. An automatic message was received
from the aircraft at 2:14am (4 :14am in Paris) indicating a failure in the
electric circuit a long way from the coast.

The Brazilian, African, Spanish and French air traffic control centres all tried
to make contact with flight AF 447 but to no avail. The French military air
traffic control centre tried to detect the aircraft but did not succeed.

216 passengers were on board: 126 men, 82 women, 7 children and one infant.

There were 12 flight crew members: 3 pilots and 9 flight attendants.

The flight captain had a record of 11,000 flight hours and had already
flown 1,700 hours on Airbus A330/A340s. Of the two first officers, one
had flown 3,000 flight hours (800 of which on the Airbus A330/A340) and
the other 6,600 (2,600 on the Airbus A330/A340).

The aircraft was powered by General Electric CF6-80E engines.
The aircraft had totalled 18,870 flight hours and went into service on
18 April 2005. Its last maintenance check in the hangar took place on 16
April 2009.

Air France fully shares the anxiety and distress of the families concerned.
The families are being taken care of in a specially reserved area of
Paris-Charles de Gaulle Terminal 2.

Подробности -

af447, f-gzcp, airfrance, безопасность полетов, авиа

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