Feb 27, 2005 17:51
wow...this weekend has been really shitty and ive jsut been thinking alot...it seems like everyone i was close with is gone...like my sister (liz) i used to be so close with her and i could tell her ne thing and we could jsut talk for hours...now i barely even see her..on her days off shes doin something for erics family or becky or the shop..i understand she has a new business and shes busy buti miss her...and dayle..i barely talk to her ne more..i miss her soooo much. we used to have to best times..and it seems like shes moved on but i still miss all the good times..dancing in the street waiting for my mom..all our trips to rite aid for no reaon...everyday on that stupid bus...i jsut miss it...n cindy i love her dearly but i just dont feel lke our relationship is the same...like i still trust her and everything but i feel like i have to be careful about what i say cuz if she gets mad for some reason then she could tell some one and it could come back on me like it always does and ill jsut be the big mouth again...and melissa who nos about her..some days we get along...others we dont...i understand y she hates me so much...im sorry i dont like to sit abck and watch her do this to herslef...she doesnt understand whats shes doin to herself and her reputation...and ashley and toni...fuck i dont even no where to start with them...whenever there around me there like ooo marie i love ur the best but when it comes to like the profiles and shit..im no where to be seen..i jsut dont like the fact that they put this shit in my head like im there frined when they really dont mean it...if u dont want me as a frined thats fine whatever..but dont confuse me like this...and i understand that they dont invite me places cuz they dont wanna hear melissa bitch but they no better then ne one shell get mad for like 5 mins and scream and throw her lil fissy fit and then shell be over it...so idk...im jsut really confused lately as to who i can trust and who i cant..i dont trust ppl easily because i have been back stabbed sooo many times...i dont no what i do to make ppl not like me but everytime i get close to some one i lose them...and im sick of goin tho this...y cant i jsut have a person to count on through thick and thin...i think im a pretty good frineds...i would do ne thing for ne one as some ppl no...but idk maybe im too nice..maybe i should stop tryin to help and be a bitch like melissa..i odnt get it..she is the meanest person i no but she has so many friends...i just dont get it...whatever