Anime flight physics for the WIN!

Sep 21, 2007 19:38

Rule 1 of Anime Flight Physics: Engines are for weenies.
Rule 2: Wheels are for weenies as well.
Rule 3: EVERYTHING has a thrust/weight ratio greater than unity and sufficient vectoring to use it for VTOL
Rule 4: the larger an aircraft is, the more manoeuvrable it is.
Rule 5: The Clouds Are Smaller Than You Think.
Rule 6: Even if you don't have any of the usual control surfaces, rule 4 still applies.
Rule 7: No matter how well you navigate, you'll ALWAYS need to make a course change that shows off your ride.
Rule 8: Course changes always involve a small dive and a climbing turn.
Rule 9: Air resistance means nothing.
Rule 10: the speed of your ride is directly proportional to how cool it looks and inversely proportional to your age.
Rule 11: You can pull any stunt you like at any speed and NEVER do the funky chicken.
Rule 12: any movable surfaces on your ride are just there to make it look cool when you park it.
Rule 13: There is no rule 13.
Rule 14: piloting skill is directly proportional to the insanity of your hairdo and inversely proportional to your age.

(inspired by the Mysterious Cities of Gold and every Japanese cartoon ever)

teh funneh, ramble

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